▸ Exelana::__construct($param)
Exelana::__construct from line 213
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45
include_once from line 526
require_once from line 102
require_once from line 50
require_once from line 13
require from line 17
'$param' => array(
'file' => '/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/exksc.php',
'name' => 'Exelana Kick Start Cart',
'mode' => 'normal',
'prefix' => 'exksc',
'version' => array(
'plugin' => '1.0',
'ExelanaKickStartCart' => '0.2 2025-02-17 16:33:37',
▸ Exelana::__construct: PID 1739008
Exelana::__construct from line 213
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45
include_once from line 526
require_once from line 102
require_once from line 50
require_once from line 13
require from line 17
▸ Exelana::__construct: Exelana Kick Start Cart plugin version 1.0
Exelana::__construct from line 213
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45
include_once from line 526
require_once from line 102
require_once from line 50
require_once from line 13
require from line 17
▸ Exelana::__construct: ExelanaKickStartCart version 0.2 2025-02-17 16:33:37
Exelana::__construct from line 213
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45
include_once from line 526
require_once from line 102
require_once from line 50
require_once from line 13
require from line 17
▸ Exelana::__construct: Exelana version 0.6 2024-10-08 00:55:38
Exelana::__construct from line 213
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45
include_once from line 526
require_once from line 102
require_once from line 50
require_once from line 13
require from line 17
▸ Exelana::__construct: loaded refactored database code
Exelana::__construct from line 213
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45
include_once from line 526
require_once from line 102
require_once from line 50
require_once from line 13
require from line 17
▸ Exelana::__construct: set_error_handler(ExelanaKickStartCart::_errorHandler,32767)
Exelana::debugCall from line 8492
Exelana::__call from line 6437
ExelanaKickStartCart::__call from line 480
Exelana::__construct from line 213
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45
include_once from line 526
require_once from line 102
require_once from line 50
require_once from line 13
require from line 17
▸ Exelana::__construct: register_shutdown_function(ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProgramShutdown)
Exelana::debugCall from line 8492
Exelana::__call from line 6437
ExelanaKickStartCart::__call from line 481
Exelana::__construct from line 213
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45
include_once from line 526
require_once from line 102
require_once from line 50
require_once from line 13
require from line 17
▸ Exelana::__construct: no bar debugging
Exelana::__construct from line 213 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/exksc.php
include_once from line 526 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'exists' => false,
'mode' => 'normal',
'bar' => null,
▸ Plugin generated 2023-06-27 11:40:42
Exelana::__construct from line 213 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/exksc.php
include_once from line 526 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::__construct($exelana,'exksc')
ExelanaDB::__construct from line 534 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::__construct from line 213 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/exksc.php
include_once from line 526 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$exelana' => ExelanaKickStartCart object,
▸ Exelana::outputPath('debug','memory-%t-%p.log')
Exelana::outputPath from line 546 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::__construct from line 213 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/exksc.php
include_once from line 526 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::outputPath: /home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/exksc/debug/memory-2025-03-12-04-26-58-1739008.log
Exelana::outputPath from line 546 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::__construct from line 213 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/exksc.php
include_once from line 526 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct(array(
'file' => '/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/exksc.php',
'version' => '1.0',
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/exksc.php
include_once from line 526 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct: addAction('init',ExelanaKickStartCart::init)
Exelana::debugCall from line 3570 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addAction from line 268 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__construct from line 45 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/exksc.php
include_once from line 526 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Action init▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::init('')
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::loadOptions: option exksc_options successfully loaded
Exelana::loadOptions from line 2805 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1166 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::generateDebugKey from line 890 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::initOptions from line 702 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
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'text' => 'View Invincible Divorcee Webinar',
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'state' => 'logged_out',
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'state' => 'logged_out',
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'message_ty_create' => 'You can create a user account on this website. By creating a user account you will have access to complete order history for any orders placed with us. In addition, you can access any electronic products you have purchased at any time. If you do not create a user account, downloads of electronic products will expire as described below.\n\nBefore leaving this page, you MUST create your user account to have ongoing access to any digital product(s) that you purchased.',
'message_ty_newuser' => 'A user name has been suggested for you. You can use the suggested name or create one of your own. Enter a password that you will use to access the site.',
'message_ty_nouser' => 'You must supply a user name.',
'message_ty_nopassword' => 'You must supply a password.',
'message_ty_existing' => 'That user name is already taken.',
'message_ty_created' => 'Welcome! Your user account is active.',
'debug_cron' => 'off',
'message_ty_create_now' => 'Create User Account Now',
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'message_ty_login_new' => 'Welcome back.\n\nYou may log into your member account by entering your password into the field below and clicking the Login button.',
'message_ty_login_expired' => 'Welcome back.\n\nThe downloads for this order have expired, but you can still access them by logging into your member account. Just enter your password into the field below and click the Login button.',
'message_ty_login_button' => 'Login',
'debug_log_all' => false,
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'host' => '4',
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'message_need_purchase' => 'You must purchase this content.',
'message_need_purchase_login' => 'You must purchase this content. Login to access previously purchased content.',
'message_need_member' => 'You must be an active member to access this content.',
'message_need_member_login' => 'You must be an active member to access this content. If you are a member, login to access the content.',
'message_access_denied' => 'Access Denied',
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▸ Exelana::getOption('uuid')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1166 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::generateDebugKey from line 890 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::initOptions from line 702 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('merchant_key')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::getMerchantKey from line 1167 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::generateDebugKey from line 890 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::initOptions from line 702 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::initOptionsList($options[84])
Exelana::initOptionsList from line 890 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::initOptions from line 702 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$options[84]' => array(
'id' => 'active',
'type' => 'boolean',
'static' => true,
'default' => true,
'id' => 'version',
'type' => 'string',
'static' => true,
'default' => '1.0',
'id' => 'uuid',
'type' => 'string',
'static' => true,
'private' => true,
'default' => '',
'id' => 'ksc_delta',
'type' => 'integer',
'static' => true,
'default' => 0,
'id' => 'merchant_id',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 10,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Merchant ID',
'validate' => 'validateMerchantID',
'error' => 'Merchant ID must be 1 to 6 digits',
'tip' => 'Merchant ID',
'description' => 'Your Kick Cart Start Merchant ID (1-6 digits).<br><br>Find it from My Account->Status Summary.',
'id' => 'merchant_mid',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 50,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Merchant mid Value',
'validate' => '/^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/',
'error' => 'Merchant mid value must be five groups of letters and numbers separated by dashes.',
'tip' => 'Merchant mid Value',
'description' => 'Your Kick Cart Start Merchant mid value: It will look like this: 1A2B3C4D-5E6F-7A8B-9C0B-1C2D3E4F5A6B (five groups of letters and numbers separated by dashes).<br><br>Find it from Setup->Site Links in the <i>Customer Portal Registration</i> link after "mid=".',
'id' => 'merchant_key',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'secret' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Merchant API Key',
'validate' => 'validateMerchantKey',
'error' => 'Merchant API Key must be 32 alphanumeric characters',
'tip' => 'Merchant API Key',
'description' => 'Your Kick Cart Start Merchant API Key<br><br>Find it from My Account->API Settings.',
'id' => 'alert_email',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Alerts to: ',
'description' => 'Enter email address to receive alerts regarding issues with order processing.<br><br>Note: These alert messages are sent when an order conflicts with other information in the system and may indicate that you must take some corrective action in the Kick Start Cart merchant interface.',
'id' => 'thank_you',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 30,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Thank You Page',
'description' => 'Enter the page that buyers should see immediately after placing an order.<br><br>Find it from Setup->Orders. (Note: It may be overridden by custom code in Setup->Third Party Integrations.)',
'default' => '/thank-you-for-your-order/',
'id' => 'database',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 30,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Database Name',
'description' => 'By default, information about your customers and their purchases is stored in the WordPress database, but you can create a separate database for that information. If multiple sites are hosted on the same web server, the sites can share that database (as long as you enter the same information on each site). Enter the name for the database above (or leave blank to use the WordPress database). Note: The database will be created automatically if it does not exist.',
'id' => 'synch_products',
'private' => true,
'type' => 'button',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'action' => 'exksc.code.synchProducts()',
'name' => 'Synchronize Products',
'description' => 'Synchronize products with the Kick Start Cart server. You should perform this operation any time you modify or delete a product. Added products are automatically synchronized once per hour; you may also perform this operation if you want the product to appear in the database before the hourly refresh. Note that this may be a very lengthy operation. You <u>must</u> save any changes entered above before pressing this button.<br><br>Note: The synchronization process will run in the background. Do <b>not</b> press the button more than once!<span id="exksc_synch_products" style="color:blue"></span>',
'id' => 'synch_orders',
'private' => true,
'type' => 'button',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'action' => 'exksc.code.synchOrders()',
'name' => 'Synchronize Orders',
'description' => 'Synchronize orders with the Kick Start Cart server. You only need to perform this operation once. Note that this may be a very lengthy operation. You <u>must</u> save any changes entered above before pressing this button.<br><br>Note: The synchronization process will run in the background. Do <b>not</b> press the button more than once!<span id="exksc_synch_orders" style="color:blue"></span>',
'id' => 'synch_orders_timestamp',
'private' => true,
'type' => 'integer',
'static' => true,
'default' => 0,
'database' => 'options',
'id' => 'synch_products_timestamp',
'private' => true,
'type' => 'integer',
'static' => true,
'default' => 0,
'database' => 'options',
'id' => 'download_valid',
'type' => 'integer',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 5,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_downloads',
'name' => 'Download Expiration',
'description' => 'Enter the number of hours that files downloads are valid for unregistered purchasers.',
'id' => 'free_content_dir',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_downloads',
'name' => 'Free Content Directory',
'description' => '<p>Enter the directory where free content is stored.</p>',
'id' => 'download_dir',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_downloads',
'name' => 'Download Directory',
'description' => '<p>Enter the directory where downloadable files are stored. Note: The files in this directory should only be accessible using plugin functions and not accessible directly from the Internet.</p><p>A .htaccess file that restricts access will be created in this directory if it does not exist.</p>',
'id' => 'download_files',
'type' => array,
'style' => 'columns',
'fields' => array(
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_downloads',
'name' => 'Downloadable Files',
'show' => 'h3',
'description' => '<p>Enter the file name and description for each item that can be purchased for download. (Be sure the product is defined on the Products tab.)</p>',
'add' => 'Add File',
'id' => 'download_files_name',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'name' => 'File',
'id' => 'download_files_desc',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 50,
'name' => 'Description',
'id' => 'product',
'type' => array,
'style' => 'rows',
'fields' => array(
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_products',
'show' => 'th',
'separator' => '<hr>',
'add' => 'Add Product',
'id' => 'product_sku',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 10,
'name' => 'SKU',
'id' => 'product_type',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => array(
'file' => 'File(s)',
'page' => 'Page/Post',
'physical' => 'Physical product',
'member' => 'Membership',
'name' => 'Type',
'id' => 'product_delivery',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 75,
'name' => 'Content Page',
'description' => 'If downloadable items are delivered on a page, enter it here. Be sure to set the “Type” as “File(s)” and enter the files below.',
'id' => 'product_expires',
'type' => 'integer',
'input' => array(
'size' => 10,
'name' => 'Expires',
'id' => 'product_expiration_period',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => array(
'none' => '',
'day' => 'Day(s)',
'month' => 'Month(s)',
'year' => 'Year(s)',
'name' => 'Period',
'id' => 'product_contents',
'type' => array,
'style' => 'columns',
'fields' => array(
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_products',
'add' => 'Add Item',
'id' => 'product_contents_item',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 75,
'name' => 'Item(s)',
'id' => 'member_menu',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_member',
'name' => 'Member Menu',
'description' => 'Enter the name of the drop-down menu for member features. This menu item must exist on the site menus and will be replaced with a submenu as defined by the Menu Items below.',
'id' => 'member_welcome',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_member',
'name' => 'Welcome Destination',
'description' => 'Enter the page that members should see immediately after purchasing a membership.',
'id' => 'member_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_member',
'name' => 'Login Destination',
'description' => 'Enter the page that members should see immediately after logging in.',
'id' => 'member_content',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_member',
'name' => 'Member Content',
'description' => 'Enter the directory containing content exclusively for members.',
'id' => 'member_menu_item',
'type' => array,
'style' => 'columns',
'fields' => array(
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_member',
'name' => 'Menu Items',
'show' => 'h3',
'description' => 'Enter the items that will appear in the drop-down menu into the table below.<ul><li>The destination may be a web page. You don't need to put www.invincibledivorcee.com in the destination; just start with "/" such as "/dashboard/". You can also use the special destination strings [login] and [logout] to add those functions to your menus.</li><li>Each item is assigned a state describing when it shows up. If the menu item is only available at certain membership levels, choose "Membership Level" and then the lowest membership level that has access to the feature. (Note that the membership level option is only available if WishList Member is installed.)</li></ul>',
'add' => 'Add row to Menu Items',
'id' => 'member_menu_item_text',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'name' => 'Menu Text',
'id' => 'member_menu_item_dest',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'name' => 'Destination',
'id' => 'member_menu_item_state',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => array(
'logged_out' => 'Logged Out',
'logged_in' => 'Logged In',
'name' => 'State',
'id' => 'sites',
'type' => array,
'style' => 'columns',
'fields' => array(
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_sites',
'show' => 'h3',
'name' => 'Site Hosting Information',
'description' => 'If you have multiple websites, enter the "hosting" number for each site in the table below.',
'add' => 'Add Site',
'id' => 'sites_host',
'type' => 'integer',
'input' => array(
'size' => 5,
'name' => 'Host',
'id' => 'sites_domain',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 50,
'name' => 'Domain',
'id' => 'message_ty_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Not Logged In',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a visitor trying to view an old order without logging in.',
'default' => 'Please log into your member account to view your orders.',
'id' => 'message_ty_create',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 8,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'New Customer',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer placing an order for the first time (or who has not created a user account for previous orders). Note: The expiration time is set on the Downloads tab.',
'default' => 'You can create a user account on this website. By creating a user account you will have access to complete order history for any orders placed with us. In addition, you can access any electronic products you have purchased at any time. If you do not create a user account, downloads of electronic products will expire as described below.\n\n
Before leaving this page, you MUST create your user account to have ongoing access to any digital product(s) that you purchased.',
'id' => 'message_ty_newuser',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'User Name',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer about choosing a user name.',
'default' => 'A user name has been suggested for you. You can use the suggested name or create one of your own. Enter a password that you will use to access the site.',
'id' => 'message_ty_create_now',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Create User Button',
'description' => 'Enter the text inside the button to begin the process of creating a new user.',
'default' => 'Create User Account Now',
'id' => 'message_ty_create_button',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Create User Button',
'description' => 'Enter the text inside the button to create a new user.',
'default' => 'Create User Account',
'id' => 'message_ty_nouser',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'No User Name',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer who tried to create an account without specifying a user name.',
'default' => 'You must supply a user name.',
'id' => 'message_ty_nopassword',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'No User Name',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer who tried to create an account without specifying a password.',
'default' => 'You must supply a password.',
'id' => 'message_ty_existing',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Existing User Name',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer who tried to create an account using an existing user name.',
'default' => 'That user name is already taken.',
'id' => 'message_ty_created',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'User Created',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer after a user account has successfully been created.',
'default' => 'Welcome! Your user account is active.',
'id' => 'message_ty_login_new',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Login New',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer who has placed a new order, but is not logged in.',
'default' => 'Welcome back.\n\n
You may log into your member account by entering your password into the field below and clicking the Login button.',
'id' => 'message_ty_login_expired',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Login Expired',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer who has placed a new order and is viewing an order for which downloads have expired.',
'default' => 'Welcome back.\n\n
The downloads for this order have expired, but you can still access them by logging into your member account. Just enter your password into the field below and click the Login button.',
'id' => 'message_ty_login_button',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Login',
'description' => 'Enter the text inside the button to login into an existing user.',
'default' => 'Login',
'id' => 'message_history_need_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Need Login for history',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a visitor (not logged in) tries to access order history.',
'default' => 'You must be logged in to view your order history.',
'id' => 'message_need_purchase',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Need Purchase',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a user tries to access content that has not been purchased.',
'default' => 'You must purchase this content.',
'id' => 'message_need_purchase_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Need Purchase / Login',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a visitor (not logged in) tries to access content.',
'default' => 'You must purchase this content. Login to access previously purchased content.',
'id' => 'message_need_member',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Need Membership',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a user tries to access content that has not been purchased.',
'default' => 'You must be an active member to access this content.',
'id' => 'message_need_member_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Need Membership / Login',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a visitor (not logged in) tries to access content.',
'default' => 'You must be an active member to access this content. If you are a member, login to access the content.',
'id' => 'message_access_denied',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Access Denied',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a user tries to access protected content.',
'default' => 'Access Denied',
'id' => 'evp_splash',
'type' => 'boolean',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_evs',
'name' => 'Redisplay Splash Image',
'description' => 'Check this option to display the splash image when a video ends.',
'id' => 'evp_track_ended',
'type' => 'boolean',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_evs',
'name' => 'Track video ended',
'description' => 'Check this option to track when user watches video to completion.',
'id' => 'evp_track_play',
'type' => 'boolean',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_evs',
'name' => 'Track "Play"',
'description' => 'Check this option to track when user clicks play or pause.',
'id' => 'evp_track_timeupdate',
'type' => 'boolean',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_evs',
'name' => 'Track time updates',
'description' => 'Check this option to track when user rewinds or fast forwards the video.',
'id' => 'debug_user',
'type' => 'integer',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'wp_user',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'User',
'description' => 'Select a user (or group of users) to have access to troubleshooting information.<br><br>Note: The selected user(s) will have access to confidential information about your business and may have access to confidential information about your customers. You should only choose "Any Logged In User" or "Any Visitor" if you are sure there is there is no other way to troubleshoot the problem you are experiencing and you should remove this access as quickly as possible.',
'id' => 'debug_action',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'action.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for action.php<br><br>Note: action.php is used to send Ajax requests from web pages back to this server. For example, tracking of Easy Video Suite requests uses this mechanism.',
'id' => 'debug_cmd',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'cmd.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for cmd.php<br><br>Note: cmd.php is used to process requests sent from the Kick Start Cart shopping cart to this server. This functionality only applies if Domain Masking is enabled in the cart (Settings > Domain Masking).',
'id' => 'debug_create',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'create_user.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for create_user.php<br><br>Note: create_user.php is used to create user accounts from the Thank You page.',
'id' => 'debug_cron',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'cron',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for cron processing<br><br>Note: the Kick Start Cart plugin runs a cron job once every hour.',
'id' => 'debug_download',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'download.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for download.php<br><br>Note: download.php is used to download files that the user has purchased via the Kick Cart Cart shopping cart.',
'id' => 'debug_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'login_user.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for login_user.php<br><br>Note: create_user.php is used to automatically login users after creating the user account from the Thank You page.',
'id' => 'debug_notify',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'notify.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for notify.php<br><br>Note: notify.php is used to receive notifications from Kick Start Cart (such as when an order is placed). This functionality only applies if notifications have been enabled in the cart (My Account > API Settings).',
'id' => 'debug_log_all',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'Log everything',
'description' => 'Check this option to log all plugin activity that is not otherwise logged.<br><br>Note: This setting should normally only be enabled at the request of technical support from Exelana.',
'id' => 'debug_filters',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'Filtering',
'description' => 'Check this option to log all changes made to content by WordPress filters.<br><br>Note: This setting should normally only be enabled at the request of technical support from Exelana.',
'id' => 'debug_usage',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'Profiling',
'description' => 'Check this option to record the amount of time and memory required to process a page requeest.<br><br>Note: This setting will produce files containing a lot of information and should normally only be enabled at the request of technical support from Exelana.',
'id' => 'help_email',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_help',
'name' => 'Emails to:',
'description' => 'Enter email address to receive reports of bugs and crashes<br><br>These reports will contain confidential information about your business and may contain confidential information about your customers. You may use the email address <span style="color:blue">exksc@exelana.com</span> to send these notices directly to the developer.',
'id' => 'help_frequency',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => array(
'hourly' => 'Hourly',
'daily' => 'Daily',
'weekly' => 'Weekly',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_help',
'name' => 'Frequency of Emails',
'id' => 'help_remote',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_help',
'name' => 'Allow remote access',
'description' => 'Grant access to technical support personnel from Exelana<br><br>This will include access to confidential information about your business and may include access to confidential information about your customers.<br><br>Note: In addition to enabling this option, you must provide Exelana with the following debug code: 17591-17587-32188-46535<br><br>The debug code will expire in 24 hours at which time the support personnel remote access will be terminated. You may terminate the access early by turning off this option.',
'id' => 'export_cart',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Shopping Cart',
'description' => 'Import/Export Shopping Cart settings. Note: These settings provide remote access to your shopping cart so the file containing this information must be carefully protected.',
'default' => true,
'id' => 'export_downloads',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Downloads',
'description' => 'Import/Export information about downloadable files.',
'default' => true,
'id' => 'export_products',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Products',
'description' => 'Import/Export information about products.',
'default' => true,
'id' => 'export_member',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Members',
'description' => 'Import/Export settings for membership management.',
'default' => true,
'id' => 'export_sites',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Sites',
'description' => 'Import/Export information about site hosting.',
'default' => true,
'id' => 'export_messages',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Messages',
'description' => 'Import/Export customized messages.',
'default' => true,
'id' => 'export_evs',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Easy Video Suite',
'description' => 'Import/Export settings for Easy Video Suite.',
'default' => true,
'id' => 'export_debug',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Troubleshooting',
'description' => 'Import/Export troubleshooting settings.',
'default' => true,
'id' => 'export_help',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Help',
'description' => 'Import/Export settings for requesting help from Exelana. Note: This will NOT enable remote access.',
'default' => true,
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'wp' => 'users',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 5936 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_settingsSelectOptions from line 2576 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::initOptionsList from line 890 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::initOptions from line 702 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::initOptionsList: options_id
Exelana::initOptionsList from line 890 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::initOptions from line 702 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::initOptionsList: options_list
Exelana::initOptionsList from line 890 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::initOptions from line 702 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'active' => array(
'id' => 'active',
'type' => 'boolean',
'static' => true,
'default' => true,
'private' => false,
'version' => array(
'id' => 'version',
'type' => 'string',
'static' => true,
'default' => '1.0',
'private' => false,
'uuid' => array(
'id' => 'uuid',
'type' => 'string',
'static' => true,
'private' => true,
'default' => '',
'ksc_delta' => array(
'id' => 'ksc_delta',
'type' => 'integer',
'static' => true,
'default' => 0,
'private' => false,
'merchant_id' => array(
'id' => 'merchant_id',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 10,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Merchant ID',
'validate' => 'validateMerchantID',
'error' => 'Merchant ID must be 1 to 6 digits',
'tip' => 'Merchant ID',
'description' => 'Your Kick Cart Start Merchant ID (1-6 digits).<br><br>Find it from My Account->Status Summary.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'merchant_mid' => array(
'id' => 'merchant_mid',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 50,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Merchant mid Value',
'validate' => '/^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/',
'error' => 'Merchant mid value must be five groups of letters and numbers separated by dashes.',
'tip' => 'Merchant mid Value',
'description' => 'Your Kick Cart Start Merchant mid value: It will look like this: 1A2B3C4D-5E6F-7A8B-9C0B-1C2D3E4F5A6B (five groups of letters and numbers separated by dashes).<br><br>Find it from Setup->Site Links in the <i>Customer Portal Registration</i> link after "mid=".',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'merchant_key' => array(
'id' => 'merchant_key',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'secret' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Merchant API Key',
'validate' => 'validateMerchantKey',
'error' => 'Merchant API Key must be 32 alphanumeric characters',
'tip' => 'Merchant API Key',
'description' => 'Your Kick Cart Start Merchant API Key<br><br>Find it from My Account->API Settings.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'alert_email' => array(
'id' => 'alert_email',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Alerts to: ',
'description' => 'Enter email address to receive alerts regarding issues with order processing.<br><br>Note: These alert messages are sent when an order conflicts with other information in the system and may indicate that you must take some corrective action in the Kick Start Cart merchant interface.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'thank_you' => array(
'id' => 'thank_you',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 30,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Thank You Page',
'description' => 'Enter the page that buyers should see immediately after placing an order.<br><br>Find it from Setup->Orders. (Note: It may be overridden by custom code in Setup->Third Party Integrations.)',
'default' => '/thank-you-for-your-order/',
'static' => false,
'database' => array(
'id' => 'database',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 30,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'name' => 'Database Name',
'description' => 'By default, information about your customers and their purchases is stored in the WordPress database, but you can create a separate database for that information. If multiple sites are hosted on the same web server, the sites can share that database (as long as you enter the same information on each site). Enter the name for the database above (or leave blank to use the WordPress database). Note: The database will be created automatically if it does not exist.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'synch_products' => array(
'id' => 'synch_products',
'private' => true,
'type' => 'button',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'action' => 'exksc.code.synchProducts()',
'name' => 'Synchronize Products',
'description' => 'Synchronize products with the Kick Start Cart server. You should perform this operation any time you modify or delete a product. Added products are automatically synchronized once per hour; you may also perform this operation if you want the product to appear in the database before the hourly refresh. Note that this may be a very lengthy operation. You <u>must</u> save any changes entered above before pressing this button.<br><br>Note: The synchronization process will run in the background. Do <b>not</b> press the button more than once!<span id="exksc_synch_products" style="color:blue"></span>',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'synch_orders' => array(
'id' => 'synch_orders',
'private' => true,
'type' => 'button',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_cart',
'action' => 'exksc.code.synchOrders()',
'name' => 'Synchronize Orders',
'description' => 'Synchronize orders with the Kick Start Cart server. You only need to perform this operation once. Note that this may be a very lengthy operation. You <u>must</u> save any changes entered above before pressing this button.<br><br>Note: The synchronization process will run in the background. Do <b>not</b> press the button more than once!<span id="exksc_synch_orders" style="color:blue"></span>',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'synch_orders_timestamp' => array(
'id' => 'synch_orders_timestamp',
'private' => true,
'type' => 'integer',
'static' => true,
'default' => 0,
'database' => 'options',
'synch_products_timestamp' => array(
'id' => 'synch_products_timestamp',
'private' => true,
'type' => 'integer',
'static' => true,
'default' => 0,
'database' => 'options',
'download_valid' => array(
'id' => 'download_valid',
'type' => 'integer',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 5,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_downloads',
'name' => 'Download Expiration',
'description' => 'Enter the number of hours that files downloads are valid for unregistered purchasers.',
'static' => false,
'default' => 0,
'free_content_dir' => array(
'id' => 'free_content_dir',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_downloads',
'name' => 'Free Content Directory',
'description' => '<p>Enter the directory where free content is stored.</p>',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'download_dir' => array(
'id' => 'download_dir',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_downloads',
'name' => 'Download Directory',
'description' => '<p>Enter the directory where downloadable files are stored. Note: The files in this directory should only be accessible using plugin functions and not accessible directly from the Internet.</p><p>A .htaccess file that restricts access will be created in this directory if it does not exist.</p>',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'download_files' => array(
'id' => 'download_files',
'type' => array,
'style' => 'columns',
'fields' => array(
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_downloads',
'name' => 'Downloadable Files',
'show' => 'h3',
'description' => '<p>Enter the file name and description for each item that can be purchased for download. (Be sure the product is defined on the Products tab.)</p>',
'add' => 'Add File',
'static' => false,
'default' => array(),
'download_files_name' => array(
'id' => 'download_files_name',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'name' => 'File',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'download_files',
'default' => '',
'download_files_desc' => array(
'id' => 'download_files_desc',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 50,
'name' => 'Description',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'download_files',
'default' => '',
'product' => array(
'id' => 'product',
'type' => array,
'style' => 'rows',
'fields' => array(
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_products',
'show' => 'th',
'separator' => '<hr>',
'add' => 'Add Product',
'static' => false,
'default' => array(),
'product_sku' => array(
'id' => 'product_sku',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 10,
'name' => 'SKU',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'product',
'default' => '',
'product_type' => array(
'id' => 'product_type',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => array(
'file' => 'File(s)',
'page' => 'Page/Post',
'physical' => 'Physical product',
'member' => 'Membership',
'name' => 'Type',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'product',
'default' => '',
'product_delivery' => array(
'id' => 'product_delivery',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 75,
'name' => 'Content Page',
'description' => 'If downloadable items are delivered on a page, enter it here. Be sure to set the “Type” as “File(s)” and enter the files below.',
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'product',
'default' => '',
'product_expires' => array(
'id' => 'product_expires',
'type' => 'integer',
'input' => array(
'size' => 10,
'name' => 'Expires',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'product',
'default' => 0,
'product_expiration_period' => array(
'id' => 'product_expiration_period',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => array(
'none' => '',
'day' => 'Day(s)',
'month' => 'Month(s)',
'year' => 'Year(s)',
'name' => 'Period',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'product',
'default' => '',
'product_contents' => array(
'id' => 'product_contents',
'type' => array,
'style' => 'columns',
'fields' => array(
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_products',
'add' => 'Add Item',
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'product',
'default' => array(),
'product_contents_item' => array(
'id' => 'product_contents_item',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 75,
'name' => 'Item(s)',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'product_contents',
'default' => '',
'member_menu' => array(
'id' => 'member_menu',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_member',
'name' => 'Member Menu',
'description' => 'Enter the name of the drop-down menu for member features. This menu item must exist on the site menus and will be replaced with a submenu as defined by the Menu Items below.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'member_welcome' => array(
'id' => 'member_welcome',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_member',
'name' => 'Welcome Destination',
'description' => 'Enter the page that members should see immediately after purchasing a membership.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'member_login' => array(
'id' => 'member_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_member',
'name' => 'Login Destination',
'description' => 'Enter the page that members should see immediately after logging in.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'member_content' => array(
'id' => 'member_content',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_member',
'name' => 'Member Content',
'description' => 'Enter the directory containing content exclusively for members.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'member_menu_item' => array(
'id' => 'member_menu_item',
'type' => array,
'style' => 'columns',
'fields' => array(
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_member',
'name' => 'Menu Items',
'show' => 'h3',
'description' => 'Enter the items that will appear in the drop-down menu into the table below.<ul><li>The destination may be a web page. You don't need to put www.invincibledivorcee.com in the destination; just start with "/" such as "/dashboard/". You can also use the special destination strings [login] and [logout] to add those functions to your menus.</li><li>Each item is assigned a state describing when it shows up. If the menu item is only available at certain membership levels, choose "Membership Level" and then the lowest membership level that has access to the feature. (Note that the membership level option is only available if WishList Member is installed.)</li></ul>',
'add' => 'Add row to Menu Items',
'static' => false,
'default' => array(),
'member_menu_item_text' => array(
'id' => 'member_menu_item_text',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'name' => 'Menu Text',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'member_menu_item',
'default' => '',
'member_menu_item_dest' => array(
'id' => 'member_menu_item_dest',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'name' => 'Destination',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'member_menu_item',
'default' => '',
'member_menu_item_state' => array(
'id' => 'member_menu_item_state',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => array(
'logged_out' => 'Logged Out',
'logged_in' => 'Logged In',
'name' => 'State',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'member_menu_item',
'default' => '',
'sites' => array(
'id' => 'sites',
'type' => array,
'style' => 'columns',
'fields' => array(
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_sites',
'show' => 'h3',
'name' => 'Site Hosting Information',
'description' => 'If you have multiple websites, enter the "hosting" number for each site in the table below.',
'add' => 'Add Site',
'static' => false,
'default' => array(),
'sites_host' => array(
'id' => 'sites_host',
'type' => 'integer',
'input' => array(
'size' => 5,
'name' => 'Host',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'sites',
'default' => 0,
'sites_domain' => array(
'id' => 'sites_domain',
'type' => 'string',
'input' => array(
'size' => 50,
'name' => 'Domain',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'parent' => 'sites',
'default' => '',
'message_ty_login' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Not Logged In',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a visitor trying to view an old order without logging in.',
'default' => 'Please log into your member account to view your orders.',
'static' => false,
'message_ty_create' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_create',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 8,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'New Customer',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer placing an order for the first time (or who has not created a user account for previous orders). Note: The expiration time is set on the Downloads tab.',
'default' => 'You can create a user account on this website. By creating a user account you will have access to complete order history for any orders placed with us. In addition, you can access any electronic products you have purchased at any time. If you do not create a user account, downloads of electronic products will expire as described below.\n\n
Before leaving this page, you MUST create your user account to have ongoing access to any digital product(s) that you purchased.',
'static' => false,
'message_ty_newuser' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_newuser',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'User Name',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer about choosing a user name.',
'default' => 'A user name has been suggested for you. You can use the suggested name or create one of your own. Enter a password that you will use to access the site.',
'static' => false,
'message_ty_create_now' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_create_now',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Create User Button',
'description' => 'Enter the text inside the button to begin the process of creating a new user.',
'default' => 'Create User Account Now',
'static' => false,
'message_ty_create_button' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_create_button',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Create User Button',
'description' => 'Enter the text inside the button to create a new user.',
'default' => 'Create User Account',
'static' => false,
'message_ty_nouser' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_nouser',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'No User Name',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer who tried to create an account without specifying a user name.',
'default' => 'You must supply a user name.',
'static' => false,
'message_ty_nopassword' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_nopassword',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'No User Name',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer who tried to create an account without specifying a password.',
'default' => 'You must supply a password.',
'static' => false,
'message_ty_existing' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_existing',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Existing User Name',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer who tried to create an account using an existing user name.',
'default' => 'That user name is already taken.',
'static' => false,
'message_ty_created' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_created',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'User Created',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer after a user account has successfully been created.',
'default' => 'Welcome! Your user account is active.',
'static' => false,
'message_ty_login_new' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_login_new',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Login New',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer who has placed a new order, but is not logged in.',
'default' => 'Welcome back.\n\n
You may log into your member account by entering your password into the field below and clicking the Login button.',
'static' => false,
'message_ty_login_expired' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_login_expired',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Login Expired',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown to a customer who has placed a new order and is viewing an order for which downloads have expired.',
'default' => 'Welcome back.\n\n
The downloads for this order have expired, but you can still access them by logging into your member account. Just enter your password into the field below and click the Login button.',
'static' => false,
'message_ty_login_button' => array(
'id' => 'message_ty_login_button',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 40,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Login',
'description' => 'Enter the text inside the button to login into an existing user.',
'default' => 'Login',
'static' => false,
'message_history_need_login' => array(
'id' => 'message_history_need_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Need Login for history',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a visitor (not logged in) tries to access order history.',
'default' => 'You must be logged in to view your order history.',
'static' => false,
'message_need_purchase' => array(
'id' => 'message_need_purchase',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Need Purchase',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a user tries to access content that has not been purchased.',
'default' => 'You must purchase this content.',
'static' => false,
'message_need_purchase_login' => array(
'id' => 'message_need_purchase_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Need Purchase / Login',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a visitor (not logged in) tries to access content.',
'default' => 'You must purchase this content. Login to access previously purchased content.',
'static' => false,
'message_need_member' => array(
'id' => 'message_need_member',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Need Membership',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a user tries to access content that has not been purchased.',
'default' => 'You must be an active member to access this content.',
'static' => false,
'message_need_member_login' => array(
'id' => 'message_need_member_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Need Membership / Login',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a visitor (not logged in) tries to access content.',
'default' => 'You must be an active member to access this content. If you are a member, login to access the content.',
'static' => false,
'message_access_denied' => array(
'id' => 'message_access_denied',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'rows' => 3,
'cols' => 85,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_messages',
'name' => 'Access Denied',
'description' => 'Enter the text shown when a user tries to access protected content.',
'default' => 'Access Denied',
'static' => false,
'evp_splash' => array(
'id' => 'evp_splash',
'type' => 'boolean',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_evs',
'name' => 'Redisplay Splash Image',
'description' => 'Check this option to display the splash image when a video ends.',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'default' => false,
'evp_track_ended' => array(
'id' => 'evp_track_ended',
'type' => 'boolean',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_evs',
'name' => 'Track video ended',
'description' => 'Check this option to track when user watches video to completion.',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'default' => false,
'evp_track_play' => array(
'id' => 'evp_track_play',
'type' => 'boolean',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_evs',
'name' => 'Track "Play"',
'description' => 'Check this option to track when user clicks play or pause.',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'default' => false,
'evp_track_timeupdate' => array(
'id' => 'evp_track_timeupdate',
'type' => 'boolean',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_evs',
'name' => 'Track time updates',
'description' => 'Check this option to track when user rewinds or fast forwards the video.',
'private' => false,
'static' => false,
'default' => false,
'debug_user' => array(
'id' => 'debug_user',
'type' => 'integer',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'wp_user',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'User',
'description' => 'Select a user (or group of users) to have access to troubleshooting information.<br><br>Note: The selected user(s) will have access to confidential information about your business and may have access to confidential information about your customers. You should only choose "Any Logged In User" or "Any Visitor" if you are sure there is there is no other way to troubleshoot the problem you are experiencing and you should remove this access as quickly as possible.',
'static' => false,
'default' => 0,
'debug_action' => array(
'id' => 'debug_action',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'action.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for action.php<br><br>Note: action.php is used to send Ajax requests from web pages back to this server. For example, tracking of Easy Video Suite requests uses this mechanism.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'debug_cmd' => array(
'id' => 'debug_cmd',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'cmd.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for cmd.php<br><br>Note: cmd.php is used to process requests sent from the Kick Start Cart shopping cart to this server. This functionality only applies if Domain Masking is enabled in the cart (Settings > Domain Masking).',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'debug_create' => array(
'id' => 'debug_create',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'create_user.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for create_user.php<br><br>Note: create_user.php is used to create user accounts from the Thank You page.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'debug_cron' => array(
'id' => 'debug_cron',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'cron',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for cron processing<br><br>Note: the Kick Start Cart plugin runs a cron job once every hour.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'debug_download' => array(
'id' => 'debug_download',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'download.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for download.php<br><br>Note: download.php is used to download files that the user has purchased via the Kick Cart Cart shopping cart.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'debug_login' => array(
'id' => 'debug_login',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'login_user.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for login_user.php<br><br>Note: create_user.php is used to automatically login users after creating the user account from the Thank You page.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'debug_notify' => array(
'id' => 'debug_notify',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => 'debug',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'notify.php',
'description' => 'Select debugging level for notify.php<br><br>Note: notify.php is used to receive notifications from Kick Start Cart (such as when an order is placed). This functionality only applies if notifications have been enabled in the cart (My Account > API Settings).',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'debug_log_all' => array(
'id' => 'debug_log_all',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'Log everything',
'description' => 'Check this option to log all plugin activity that is not otherwise logged.<br><br>Note: This setting should normally only be enabled at the request of technical support from Exelana.',
'static' => false,
'default' => false,
'debug_filters' => array(
'id' => 'debug_filters',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'Filtering',
'description' => 'Check this option to log all changes made to content by WordPress filters.<br><br>Note: This setting should normally only be enabled at the request of technical support from Exelana.',
'static' => false,
'default' => false,
'debug_usage' => array(
'id' => 'debug_usage',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_debug',
'name' => 'Profiling',
'description' => 'Check this option to record the amount of time and memory required to process a page requeest.<br><br>Note: This setting will produce files containing a lot of information and should normally only be enabled at the request of technical support from Exelana.',
'static' => false,
'default' => false,
'help_email' => array(
'id' => 'help_email',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'size' => 25,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_help',
'name' => 'Emails to:',
'description' => 'Enter email address to receive reports of bugs and crashes<br><br>These reports will contain confidential information about your business and may contain confidential information about your customers. You may use the email address <span style="color:blue">exksc@exelana.com</span> to send these notices directly to the developer.',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'help_frequency' => array(
'id' => 'help_frequency',
'type' => 'string',
'private' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'select' => array(
'hourly' => 'Hourly',
'daily' => 'Daily',
'weekly' => 'Weekly',
'page' => 'exksc_settings_help',
'name' => 'Frequency of Emails',
'static' => false,
'default' => '',
'help_remote' => array(
'id' => 'help_remote',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_help',
'name' => 'Allow remote access',
'description' => 'Grant access to technical support personnel from Exelana<br><br>This will include access to confidential information about your business and may include access to confidential information about your customers.<br><br>Note: In addition to enabling this option, you must provide Exelana with the following debug code: 17591-17587-32188-46535<br><br>The debug code will expire in 24 hours at which time the support personnel remote access will be terminated. You may terminate the access early by turning off this option.',
'static' => false,
'default' => false,
'export_cart' => array(
'id' => 'export_cart',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Shopping Cart',
'description' => 'Import/Export Shopping Cart settings. Note: These settings provide remote access to your shopping cart so the file containing this information must be carefully protected.',
'default' => true,
'static' => false,
'export_downloads' => array(
'id' => 'export_downloads',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Downloads',
'description' => 'Import/Export information about downloadable files.',
'default' => true,
'static' => false,
'export_products' => array(
'id' => 'export_products',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Products',
'description' => 'Import/Export information about products.',
'default' => true,
'static' => false,
'export_member' => array(
'id' => 'export_member',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Members',
'description' => 'Import/Export settings for membership management.',
'default' => true,
'static' => false,
'export_sites' => array(
'id' => 'export_sites',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Sites',
'description' => 'Import/Export information about site hosting.',
'default' => true,
'static' => false,
'export_messages' => array(
'id' => 'export_messages',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Messages',
'description' => 'Import/Export customized messages.',
'default' => true,
'static' => false,
'export_evs' => array(
'id' => 'export_evs',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Easy Video Suite',
'description' => 'Import/Export settings for Easy Video Suite.',
'default' => true,
'static' => false,
'export_debug' => array(
'id' => 'export_debug',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Troubleshooting',
'description' => 'Import/Export troubleshooting settings.',
'default' => true,
'static' => false,
'export_help' => array(
'id' => 'export_help',
'type' => 'boolean',
'private' => true,
'page' => 'exksc_settings_export',
'name' => 'Help',
'description' => 'Import/Export settings for requesting help from Exelana. Note: This will NOT enable remote access.',
'default' => true,
'static' => false,
▸ Exelana::init()
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::init: wp_get_current_user()
Exelana::debugCall from line 8492 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::__call from line 6437 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__call from line 616 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('active')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 622 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::init()
ExelanaDB::init from line 665 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::init: /home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::init from line 665 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::init: wp_enqueue_style('exelana-css','https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/css/exelana.css')
Exelana::debugCall from line 8492 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::__call from line 6437 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__call from line 670 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::init: addAction('wp_head',ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbInHeader)
Exelana::debugCall from line 3570 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addAction from line 681 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::init: addAction('wp_enqueue_scripts',ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbEnqueueScripts)
Exelana::debugCall from line 3570 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addAction from line 682 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::init: addAction('loop_start',ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbActivateJS)
Exelana::debugCall from line 3570 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addAction from line 683 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::init: addAction('wp_footer',ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbInFooter)
Exelana::debugCall from line 3570 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addAction from line 684 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::init: addFilter('template_include',ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbFilterTemplateInclude,10)
Exelana::debugCall from line 4043 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addFilter from line 685 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::init: addFilter('body_class',ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbFilterBodyClass,10)
Exelana::debugCall from line 4043 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addFilter from line 686 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::init: addFilter('wp_nav_menu_items',ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbNavMenuItems)
Exelana::debugCall from line 4043 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addFilter from line 687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::init from line 703 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::init: get_current_user_id()
Exelana::debugCall from line 8492 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::__call from line 6437 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__call from line 710 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::init: user is not logged in
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::conditionalDebug()
ExelanaKickStartCart::conditionalDebug from line 732 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('help_remote')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1241 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::remoteDebug from line 1093 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::conditionalDebug from line 732 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::emitCookie('exksc_debug_key','',1741753618,'/')
Exelana::emitCookie from line 1272 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::remoteDebug from line 1093 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::conditionalDebug from line 732 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::setcookie('exksc_debug_key','',1741753618,'/','',false,false)
Exelana::setcookie from line 1096 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::emitCookie from line 1272 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::remoteDebug from line 1093 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::conditionalDebug from line 732 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::setcookie: Set-Cookie set via header
Exelana::setcookie from line 1096 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::emitCookie from line 1272 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::remoteDebug from line 1093 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::conditionalDebug from line 732 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::remoteDebug: disabled
ExelanaKickStartCart::remoteDebug from line 1093 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::conditionalDebug from line 732 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('debug_user')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1100 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::conditionalDebug from line 732 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('debug_filters')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1150 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscEnableDebug from line 1119 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::conditionalDebug from line 732 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::enableDebug('')
Exelana::enableDebug from line 1152 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscEnableDebug from line 1119 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::conditionalDebug from line 732 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase()
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('merchant_id')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1210 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::getMerchantID from line 835 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::cartActive from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('merchant_mid')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1217 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::getMerchantMID from line 836 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::cartActive from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::set_schema($info)
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$info' => array(
'schema' => array(
'version' => '1.0',
'database' => array(
'wordpress' => array(
'prefix' => '{wordpress}exksc_',
'exksc' => array(
'option' => 'database',
'blank' => '',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'prefix' => '',
'table' => 'robots',
'fields' => array(
'user_agent' => array(
'type' => 'varchar(191)',
'prikey' => true,
'robots_txt' => 'time',
'hit' => 'time',
'table' => 'machine_id',
'fields' => array(
'id' => array(
'type' => 'int8',
'autoinc' => true,
'prikey' => true,
'machine_id' => array(
'type' => 'varchar(32)',
'prikey' => true,
'has' => array(
'id' => array(
'id' => array(
'id' => array(
'table' => 'wp_user',
'fields' => array(
'id' => array(
'type' => 'int8',
'prikey' => true,
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'fields' => array(
'id' => array(
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'autoinc' => true,
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'has' => array(
'id' => array(
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'fields' => array(
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'autoinc' => true,
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'page_id' => array(
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'query' => 'varchar(255)',
'ip' => 'varchar(29)',
'timestamp' => 'time',
'wp_user_id' => 'int8',
'duration' => 'int',
'has' => array(
'id' => array(
'table' => 'video',
'fields' => array(
'id' => array(
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'prikey' => true,
'file_id' => 'varchar(255)',
'video_id' => 'varchar(255)',
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'null' => true,
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'video_id' => array(
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'has' => array(
'id' => array(
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'fields' => array(
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'autoinc' => true,
'prikey' => true,
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'timestamp' => 'time',
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'fields' => array(
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'timestamp' => 'time',
'query' => 'varchar(255)',
'uri' => 'varchar(255)',
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'fields' => array(
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'type' => 'int8',
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'page_view_id' => array(
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'name' => array(
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'prikey' => true,
'nonce' => array(
'type' => 'varchar(32)',
'prikey' => true,
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'timestamp' => 'time',
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'fields' => array(
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'client_id' => 'int8',
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'wp_user_id' => 'int8',
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'fields' => array(
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'fields' => array(
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'longDesc' => 'longtext',
'image' => 'varchar(256)',
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'address2' => 'varchar(256)',
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'country' => 'varchar(128)',
'phone1' => 'varchar(45)',
'phone2' => 'varchar(45)',
'fax' => 'varchar(45)',
'has' => array(
'id' => array(
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'fields' => array(
'id' => array(
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'prikey' => true,
'client_id' => array(
'foreign' => array(
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'fields' => array(
'id' => array(
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'autoinc' => true,
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'product_id' => array(
'foreign' => array(
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'quantity' => 'int',
'price' => 'varchar(9)',
'expires' => 'time',
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'fields' => array(
'id' => array(
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'prikey' => true,
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'address2' => 'varchar(256)',
'city' => 'varchar(128)',
'state' => 'varchar(45)',
'zip' => 'varchar(10)',
'country' => 'varchar(128)',
'residential' => 'boolean',
'table' => 'order',
'database' => 'exksc',
'fields' => array(
'id' => array(
'type' => 'int8',
'prikey' => true,
'token' => array(
'type' => 'varchar(32)',
'prikey' => true,
'timestamp' => 'time',
'ip' => 'varchar(29)',
'machine_id' => 'varchar(32)',
'has' => array(
'id' => array(
'id' => array(
'id' => array(
'table' => 'membership',
'database' => 'exksc',
'fields' => array(
'id' => array(
'type' => 'int8',
'autoinc' => true,
'prikey' => true,
'client_id' => array(
'foreign' => array(
'order_id' => array(
'foreign' => array(
'sku' => 'varchar(10)',
'order_timestamp' => 'time',
'expires' => 'time',
'table' => 'leads',
'database' => 'exksc',
'fields' => array(
'id' => array(
'type' => 'int8',
'autoinc' => true,
'prikey' => true,
'first' => 'varchar(128)',
'last' => 'varchar(128)',
'email' => 'varchar(128)',
'host' => 'int',
'page' => 'varchar(1024)',
'ip' => 'varchar(29)',
'machine_id' => 'varchar(32)',
'timestamp' => 'time',
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'SHOW DATABASES',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 547 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::show from line 656 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::set_schema: database wordpress
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'tag' => 'wordpress',
'active' => true,
'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
'collate' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci',
'name' => 'impax_id',
'prefix' => 'wp_exksc_',
'source' => array(
'prefix' => '{wordpress}exksc_',
'wpdb' => wpdb::object(),
▸ Exelana::getOption('database')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 2698 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::__call from line 683 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::set_schema: database exksc
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'tag' => 'exksc',
'active' => true,
'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
'collate' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci',
'name' => 'impax_ExelanaKickStartCart',
'prefix' => '',
'source' => array(
'option' => 'database',
'blank' => '',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'prefix' => '',
'name' => 'impax_ExelanaKickStartCart',
'wpdb' => null,
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'SHOW TABLES',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'db' => 'wordpress',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 547 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::show from line 1639 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_wp_tables from line 1056 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'SHOW TABLES',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'db' => 'exksc',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 547 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::show from line 1639 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_wp_tables from line 1056 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::set_schema: parsed schema
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
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'order_id' => array(
'foreign' => array(
'prikey' => true,
'type' => 'int8',
'shipping_id' => array(
'foreign' => array(
'prikey' => true,
'type' => 'int8',
'key' => array(
'wp' => 'order_has_shipping',
'db' => 'exksc',
'create' => array(
'robots' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_robots` (\n
`user_agent` varchar(191) NOT NULL,\n
`robots_txt` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
`hit` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (user_agent))\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'machine_id' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_machine_id` (\n
`machine_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (id,machine_id))\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'wp_user' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_wp_user` (\n
`id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'page' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_page` (\n
`uri` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'page_view' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_page_view` (\n
`page_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`query` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n
`ip` varchar(29) NOT NULL,\n
`timestamp` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
`wp_user_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`duration` int NOT NULL,\n
INDEX fk_page_view_page_idx (page_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_page_view_page\n
FOREIGN KEY (page_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_page` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'video' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_video` (\n
`file_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n
`video_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n
`title` varchar(255),\n
`duration` int NOT NULL,\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'video_view' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_video_view` (\n
`video_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`completed` tinyint NOT NULL,\n
INDEX fk_video_view_video_idx (video_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_video_view_video\n
FOREIGN KEY (video_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_video` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'video_event' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_video_event` (\n
`type` varchar(45) NOT NULL,\n
`time` int NOT NULL,\n
`timestamp` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'cmd' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_cmd` (\n
`timestamp` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
`query` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n
`uri` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'notify' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_notify` (\n
`content` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,\n
`timestamp` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'token' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_token` (\n
`page_view_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n
`nonce` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n
`data` longtext NOT NULL,\n
`timestamp` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (page_view_id,name,nonce))\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'user' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_user` (\n
`client_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`email` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`wp_user_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`password` varchar(128),\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'options' => 'CREATE TABLE `options` (\n
`name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n
`value` longtext NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (name))\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'product' => 'CREATE TABLE `product` (\n
`id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`price` varchar(9) NOT NULL,\n
`sku` varchar(10) NOT NULL,\n
`shortDesc` varchar(250) NOT NULL,\n
`longDesc` longtext NOT NULL,\n
`image` varchar(256) NOT NULL,\n
`pid` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n
`taxable` tinyint NOT NULL,\n
`removed` tinyint NOT NULL,\n
`hosted` int NOT NULL,\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'client' => 'CREATE TABLE `client` (\n
`id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`first` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`last` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`company` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`email` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`address1` varchar(256) NOT NULL,\n
`address2` varchar(256) NOT NULL,\n
`city` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`state` varchar(45) NOT NULL,\n
`zip` varchar(10) NOT NULL,\n
`country` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`phone1` varchar(45) NOT NULL,\n
`phone2` varchar(45) NOT NULL,\n
`fax` varchar(45) NOT NULL,\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'client_owns_sku' => 'CREATE TABLE `client_owns_sku` (\n
`client_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`sku` varchar(10) NOT NULL,\n
INDEX fk_client_owns_sku_client_idx (client_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_client_owns_sku_client\n
FOREIGN KEY (client_id)\n
REFERENCES `client` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'item' => 'CREATE TABLE `item` (\n
`product_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`recurring` tinyint NOT NULL,\n
`quantity` int NOT NULL,\n
`price` varchar(9) NOT NULL,\n
`expires` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
INDEX fk_item_product_idx (product_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_item_product\n
FOREIGN KEY (product_id)\n
REFERENCES `product` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'shipping' => 'CREATE TABLE `shipping` (\n
`id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`name` varchar(256) NOT NULL,\n
`address1` varchar(256) NOT NULL,\n
`address2` varchar(256) NOT NULL,\n
`city` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`state` varchar(45) NOT NULL,\n
`zip` varchar(10) NOT NULL,\n
`country` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`residential` tinyint NOT NULL,\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'order' => 'CREATE TABLE `order` (\n
`id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`token` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n
`timestamp` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
`ip` varchar(29) NOT NULL,\n
`machine_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (id,token))\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'membership' => 'CREATE TABLE `membership` (\n
`client_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`order_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`sku` varchar(10) NOT NULL,\n
`order_timestamp` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
`expires` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
INDEX fk_membership_client_idx (client_id ASC),\n
INDEX fk_membership_order_idx (order_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_membership_client\n
FOREIGN KEY (client_id)\n
REFERENCES `client` (id)\n
CONSTRAINT fk_membership_order\n
FOREIGN KEY (order_id)\n
REFERENCES `order` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'leads' => 'CREATE TABLE `leads` (\n
`first` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`last` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`email` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n
`host` int NOT NULL,\n
`page` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,\n
`ip` varchar(29) NOT NULL,\n
`machine_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n
`timestamp` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'machine_id_has_wp_user' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_machine_id_has_wp_user` (\n
`machine_id_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`wp_user_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (machine_id_id,wp_user_id),\n
INDEX fk_machine_id_has_wp_user_machine_id_idx (machine_id_id ASC),\n
INDEX fk_machine_id_has_wp_user_wp_user_idx (wp_user_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_machine_id_has_wp_user_machine_id\n
FOREIGN KEY (machine_id_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_machine_id` (id)\n
CONSTRAINT fk_machine_id_has_wp_user_wp_user\n
FOREIGN KEY (wp_user_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_wp_user` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'machine_id_has_page_view' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_machine_id_has_page_view` (\n
`machine_id_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`page_view_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (machine_id_id,page_view_id),\n
INDEX fk_machine_id_has_page_view_machine_id_idx (machine_id_id ASC),\n
INDEX fk_machine_id_has_page_view_page_view_idx (page_view_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_machine_id_has_page_view_machine_id\n
FOREIGN KEY (machine_id_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_machine_id` (id)\n
CONSTRAINT fk_machine_id_has_page_view_page_view\n
FOREIGN KEY (page_view_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_page_view` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'machine_id_has_cmd' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_machine_id_has_cmd` (\n
`machine_id_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`cmd_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (machine_id_id,cmd_id),\n
INDEX fk_machine_id_has_cmd_machine_id_idx (machine_id_id ASC),\n
INDEX fk_machine_id_has_cmd_cmd_idx (cmd_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_machine_id_has_cmd_machine_id\n
FOREIGN KEY (machine_id_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_machine_id` (id)\n
CONSTRAINT fk_machine_id_has_cmd_cmd\n
FOREIGN KEY (cmd_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_cmd` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'page_has_video' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_page_has_video` (\n
`page_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`video_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (page_id,video_id),\n
INDEX fk_page_has_video_page_idx (page_id ASC),\n
INDEX fk_page_has_video_video_idx (video_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_page_has_video_page\n
FOREIGN KEY (page_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_page` (id)\n
CONSTRAINT fk_page_has_video_video\n
FOREIGN KEY (video_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_video` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'page_view_has_video_view' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_page_view_has_video_view` (\n
`page_view_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`video_view_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (page_view_id,video_view_id),\n
INDEX fk_page_view_has_video_view_page_view_idx (page_view_id ASC),\n
INDEX fk_page_view_has_video_view_video_view_idx (video_view_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_page_view_has_video_view_page_view\n
FOREIGN KEY (page_view_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_page_view` (id)\n
CONSTRAINT fk_page_view_has_video_view_video_view\n
FOREIGN KEY (video_view_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_video_view` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'video_view_has_video_event' => 'CREATE TABLE `wp_exksc_video_view_has_video_event` (\n
`video_view_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`video_event_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (video_view_id,video_event_id),\n
INDEX fk_video_view_has_video_event_video_view_idx (video_view_id ASC),\n
INDEX fk_video_view_has_video_event_video_event_idx (video_event_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_video_view_has_video_event_video_view\n
FOREIGN KEY (video_view_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_video_view` (id)\n
CONSTRAINT fk_video_view_has_video_event_video_event\n
FOREIGN KEY (video_event_id)\n
REFERENCES `wp_exksc_video_event` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'client_has_membership' => 'CREATE TABLE `client_has_membership` (\n
`client_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`membership_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (client_id,membership_id),\n
INDEX fk_client_has_membership_client_idx (client_id ASC),\n
INDEX fk_client_has_membership_membership_idx (membership_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_client_has_membership_client\n
FOREIGN KEY (client_id)\n
REFERENCES `client` (id)\n
CONSTRAINT fk_client_has_membership_membership\n
FOREIGN KEY (membership_id)\n
REFERENCES `membership` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'order_has_client' => 'CREATE TABLE `order_has_client` (\n
`order_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`client_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (order_id,client_id),\n
INDEX fk_order_has_client_order_idx (order_id ASC),\n
INDEX fk_order_has_client_client_idx (client_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_order_has_client_order\n
FOREIGN KEY (order_id)\n
REFERENCES `order` (id)\n
CONSTRAINT fk_order_has_client_client\n
FOREIGN KEY (client_id)\n
REFERENCES `client` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'order_has_item' => 'CREATE TABLE `order_has_item` (\n
`order_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`item_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (order_id,item_id),\n
INDEX fk_order_has_item_order_idx (order_id ASC),\n
INDEX fk_order_has_item_item_idx (item_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_order_has_item_order\n
FOREIGN KEY (order_id)\n
REFERENCES `order` (id)\n
CONSTRAINT fk_order_has_item_item\n
FOREIGN KEY (item_id)\n
REFERENCES `item` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'order_has_shipping' => 'CREATE TABLE `order_has_shipping` (\n
`order_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
`shipping_id` bigint NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (order_id,shipping_id),\n
INDEX fk_order_has_shipping_order_idx (order_id ASC),\n
INDEX fk_order_has_shipping_shipping_idx (shipping_id ASC),\n
CONSTRAINT fk_order_has_shipping_order\n
FOREIGN KEY (order_id)\n
REFERENCES `order` (id)\n
CONSTRAINT fk_order_has_shipping_shipping\n
FOREIGN KEY (shipping_id)\n
REFERENCES `shipping` (id)\n
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;\n
'wp' => array(
'wp_exksc_robots' => 'robots',
'wp_exksc_machine_id' => 'machine_id',
'wp_exksc_wp_user' => 'wp_user',
'wp_exksc_page' => 'page',
'wp_exksc_page_view' => 'page_view',
'wp_exksc_video' => 'video',
'wp_exksc_video_view' => 'video_view',
'wp_exksc_video_event' => 'video_event',
'wp_exksc_cmd' => 'cmd',
'wp_exksc_notify' => 'notify',
'wp_exksc_token' => 'token',
'wp_exksc_user' => 'user',
'options' => 'options',
'product' => 'product',
'client' => 'client',
'client_owns_sku' => 'client_owns_sku',
'item' => 'item',
'shipping' => 'shipping',
'order' => 'order',
'membership' => 'membership',
'leads' => 'leads',
'wp_exksc_machine_id_has_wp_user' => 'machine_id_has_wp_user',
'wp_exksc_machine_id_has_page_view' => 'machine_id_has_page_view',
'wp_exksc_machine_id_has_cmd' => 'machine_id_has_cmd',
'wp_exksc_page_has_video' => 'page_has_video',
'wp_exksc_page_view_has_video_view' => 'page_view_has_video_view',
'wp_exksc_video_view_has_video_event' => 'video_view_has_video_event',
'client_has_membership' => 'client_has_membership',
'order_has_client' => 'order_has_client',
'order_has_item' => 'order_has_item',
'order_has_shipping' => 'order_has_shipping',
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'robots',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'machine_id',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'wp_user',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'page',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'page_view',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'video',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'video_view',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'video_event',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'cmd',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'notify',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'token',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'user',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'options',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'product',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'client',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'client_owns_sku',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'item',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'shipping',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'order',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'membership',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'leads',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'machine_id_has_wp_user',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'machine_id_has_page_view',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'machine_id_has_cmd',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'page_has_video',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'page_view_has_video_view',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'video_view_has_video_event',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'client_has_membership',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'order_has_client',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'order_has_item',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_results',array(
'sql' => 'DESCRIBE {table}',
'output' => 'OBJECT',
'table' => 'order_has_shipping',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 445 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_results from line 1575 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::describe_table from line 1147 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::set_schema from line 294 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitDatabase from line 737 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::action('update robots',$actions)
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'table' => 'robots',
'condition' => array(
'where' => array(
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',
'conjunction' => 'AND',
'success' => 'update',
'fields' => array(
'hit' => 1741753618,
▸ ExelanaDB::action update robots #1 of 1
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_field_type('robots','user_agent')
ExelanaDB::_field_type from line 1769 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::where from line 2063 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::get_row('robots',array(
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',
ExelanaDB::get_row from line 463 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_rowA from line 2066 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_field_type('robots','user_agent')
ExelanaDB::_field_type from line 1769 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::where from line 453 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_row from line 463 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_rowA from line 2066 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('get_row',array(
'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE `user_agent` = "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)"',
'output' => 'ARRAY_A',
'y' => 0,
'table' => 'robots',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 455 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_row from line 463 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_rowA from line 2066 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_action_set_db($values)
ExelanaDB::_action_set_db from line 315 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 455 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_row from line 463 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_rowA from line 2066 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$values' => array(
'bar' => array(
'args' => array(
'SELECT * FROM `wp_exksc_robots` WHERE `user_agent` = "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)"',
'db' => 'wordpress',
'function' => 'get_row',
'orig' => array(
'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE `user_agent` = "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)"',
'output' => 'ARRAY_A',
'y' => 0,
'name' => 'get_row',
'results' => array(
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',
'robots_txt' => '1741753222',
'hit' => '1741753617',
'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM `wp_exksc_robots` WHERE `user_agent` = "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)"',
'stack' => array(
'ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 455 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php',
'ExelanaDB::get_row from line 463 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php',
'ExelanaDB::get_rowA from line 2066 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php',
'ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',
'ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',
'ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',
'WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',
'WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php',
'do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php',
'require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php',
'require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php',
'require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php',
'require from line 17 of file /index.php',
'table' => 'robots',
'which' => array(
'table' => 'robots',
'stack' => array(
'ExelanaDB::get_row from line 463 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php',
'ExelanaDB::get_rowA from line 2066 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php',
'ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',
'ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',
'ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',
'WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',
'WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php',
'do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php',
'require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php',
'require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php',
'require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php',
'require from line 17 of file /index.php',
▸ _action_set_db: _in_action
ExelanaDB::_action_set_db from line 315 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 455 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_row from line 463 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::get_rowA from line 2066 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'array(<br> 'desc' => 'update robots',<br> 'actions' => array(<br> array(<br> 'table' => 'robots',<br> 'condition' => array(<br> 'where' => array(<br> 'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',<br> ),<br> 'conjunction' => 'AND',<br> 'success' => 'update',<br> ),<br> 'fields' => array(<br> 'hit' => 1741753618,<br> ),<br> ),<br> ),<br> 'index' => 0,<br> 'stack' => array(<br> 'ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',<br> 'ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',<br> 'ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',<br> 'WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',<br> 'WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php',<br> 'do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php',<br> 'require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php',<br> 'require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php',<br> 'require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php',<br> 'require from line 17 of file /index.php',<br> ),<br> 'db_index' => 0,<br>)'
▸ `user_agent` = "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)" update starting...
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::duplicate_fields(array(
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',
'robots_txt' => '1741753222',
'hit' => '1741753617',
ExelanaDB::duplicate_fields from line 2156 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ `user_agent` = "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)" update_row: 1 change(s)
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::update_row('robots',array(
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',
'robots_txt' => '1741753222',
'hit' => '1741753617',
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',
'robots_txt' => '1741753222',
'hit' => 1741753618,
ExelanaDB::update_row from line 2182 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb_table('update','robots',array(
'hit' => 1741753618,
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb_table from line 581 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::update_row from line 2182 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_wpdb('update',array(
'hit' => 1741753618,
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',
'table' => 'robots',
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 231 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::_wpdb_table from line 581 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::update_row from line 2182 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaDB::_action_set_db($values)
ExelanaDB::_action_set_db from line 315 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 231 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::_wpdb_table from line 581 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::update_row from line 2182 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$values' => array(
'bar' => array(
'args' => array(
'hit' => 1741753618,
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',
'db' => 'wordpress',
'function' => 'update_row',
'orig' => array(
'hit' => 1741753618,
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',
'name' => 'update',
'results' => 1,
'sql' => null,
'stack' => array(
'ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 231 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php',
'ExelanaDB::_wpdb_table from line 581 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php',
'ExelanaDB::update_row from line 2182 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php',
'ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',
'ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',
'ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',
'WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',
'WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php',
'do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php',
'require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php',
'require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php',
'require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php',
'require from line 17 of file /index.php',
'table' => 'robots',
'which' => array(
'table' => 'robots',
'stack' => array(
'ExelanaDB::_wpdb_table from line 581 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php',
'ExelanaDB::update_row from line 2182 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php',
'ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',
'ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',
'ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',
'WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',
'WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php',
'do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php',
'require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php',
'require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php',
'require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php',
'require from line 17 of file /index.php',
▸ _action_set_db: _in_action
ExelanaDB::_action_set_db from line 315 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::_wpdb from line 231 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::_wpdb_table from line 581 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::update_row from line 2182 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'array(<br> 'desc' => 'update robots',<br> 'actions' => array(<br> array(<br> 'table' => 'robots',<br> 'condition' => array(<br> 'where' => array(<br> 'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)',<br> ),<br> 'conjunction' => 'AND',<br> 'success' => 'update',<br> ),<br> 'fields' => array(<br> 'hit' => 1741753618,<br> ),<br> ),<br> ),<br> 'index' => 0,<br> 'stack' => array(<br> 'ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',<br> 'ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php',<br> 'ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',<br> 'WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php',<br> 'WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php',<br> 'do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php',<br> 'require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php',<br> 'require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php',<br> 'require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php',<br> 'require from line 17 of file /index.php',<br> ),<br> 'db_index' => 1,<br>)'
▸ ExelanaDB::action: completed 1 of 1 actions(s) => true
ExelanaDB::_action_end from line 2229 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_db_class.php
ExelanaDB::action from line 1512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_ignorePage from line 739 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitAPI()
ExelanaKickStartCart::exkscInitAPI from line 749 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::init: addAction('wp_footer',ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbAlwaysDebug)
Exelana::debugCall from line 3570 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addAction from line 756 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::implementShortcode('exksc','*',ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode)
Exelana::implementShortcode from line 766 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::_addContentFilter: addFilter('the_content',ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbFilterContent,10)
Exelana::debugCall from line 4043 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addFilter from line 4700 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_addContentFilter from line 4683 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::implementShortcode from line 766 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::_addContentFilter: remove_filter('the_content','wpautop')
Exelana::debugCall from line 8492 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::__call from line 6437 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__call from line 4704 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_addContentFilter from line 4683 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::implementShortcode from line 766 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::_addContentFilter: addFilter('the_content','wpautop',99)
Exelana::debugCall from line 4043 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addFilter from line 4705 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_addContentFilter from line 4683 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::implementShortcode from line 766 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::enqueueScript('exksc-js','js/exksc.js',array(
'new EXKSC(exksc)',
Exelana::enqueueScript from line 769 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::init: wp_enqueue_style('exksc-css','https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/css/exksc.css')
Exelana::debugCall from line 8492 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::__call from line 6437 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__call from line 770 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::init: sending vars to browser
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'debug' => true,
'debug_reason' => 'enabled for any visitor',
'page_view_id' => null,
'ignore' => true,
▸ Exelana::javascriptInclude(array(
'version' => true,
'name' => true,
'base' => true,
'options' => false,
'core' => true,
'utility' => true,
'eval' => false,
'bar' => true,
'debug' => true,
'debug_reason' => 'enabled for any visitor',
'page_view_id' => null,
'ignore' => true,
Exelana::javascriptInclude from line 807 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::init: addFilter('wp_nav_menu_items',ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbMemberMenuItems)
Exelana::debugCall from line 4043 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::addFilter from line 821 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::cbRegisterBar('')
ImpaxTheme::cbRegisterBar from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::init('')
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::loadConfiguration('site.cfg',null)
ImpaxTheme::loadConfiguration from line 173 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::loadConfigurationItems('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/site.cfg',$items,false)
ImpaxTheme::loadConfigurationItems from line 1326 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::loadConfiguration from line 173 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$items' => array(
'globals' => array(),
▸ ImpaxTheme::readConfig('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/site.cfg')
ImpaxTheme::readConfig from line 1346 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::loadConfigurationItems from line 1326 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::loadConfiguration from line 173 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::loadConfigurationItems('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/site/site.cfg',$items,true)
ImpaxTheme::loadConfigurationItems from line 1328 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::loadConfiguration from line 173 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$items' => array(
'globals' => array(),
'header' => array(
'content' => '<div id="themeHeader" title="default">$headerLogo</div>',
'headerLogo' => '{annotate 1,Logo}<div class="logo"><img src="$logoURL"></div>{/annotate}',
'logoURL' => ''/content/images/logo/RR-wordmark-816x78-trans.png'',
'nav' => array(
'content' => '{annotate 1,Nav}<div class="navi"><nav>{emitMenus}</nav></div><br class="clear">{/annotate}',
'footer' => array(
'content' => '{annotate 1,Footer}<div id="themeFooter" title="default">$footer</div>{/annotate}',
'footerLogo' => '{annotate 1,Logo}<div class="logo"><img src="$logoURL"></div>{/annotate}',
'logoURL' => ''/content/images/logo/RRIT-732x513-trans.png'',
'font' => array(
'OpenSans' => 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,600,700,900',
'Courgette' => 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Courgette:400,600,700,900',
'CrimsonText' => 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Crimson+Text',
'Lato' => 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,600,700,900',
'Raleway' => 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:400,600,700,900',
▸ ImpaxTheme::readConfig('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/site/site.cfg')
ImpaxTheme::readConfig from line 1346 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::loadConfigurationItems from line 1328 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::loadConfiguration from line 173 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::loadConfigurationItems('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/site/invincibledivorcee.com/site.cfg',$items,true)
ImpaxTheme::loadConfigurationItems from line 1331 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::loadConfiguration from line 173 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$items' => array(
'globals' => array(
'frcLogoURL' => '/content/images/logo/FRC-250x250-trans.png',
'idLogoURL' => '/content/images/logo/ID-250x142-trans.png',
'imtLogoWhiteURL' => '/content/images/logo/IMT-250x117-white-trans.png',
'imtLogoBlackURL' => '/content/images/logo/IMT-250x117-black-trans.png',
'rrLogoURL' => '/content/images/logo/RR-wordmark-816x78-trans.png',
'rritLogoURL' => '/content/images/logo/RRIT-732x513-trans.png',
'frcURL' => 'https://www.firstresponders.club/',
'idURL' => 'https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/',
'imtURL' => 'https://www.invinciblemindsettraining.com/',
'istURL' => 'http://www.impaxsportstherapy.com/',
'rrURL' => 'https://www.robertrudelic.com/',
'sloganAIP' => '"Tap Into Your Power and Thrive – Anything Is Possible!"',
'sloganMindset' => '"The Power to Rapidly Change Your<br>Mindset is Right at Your Fingertips!"',
'header' => array(
'content' => '<div class="column-l">{annotate 1,Logo}$headerLogo{/annotate}</div><div class="column-r">$slogan</div>',
'headerLogo' => '<div class="logo"><a class="header" href="{home}"><img src="$logo"></a></div>',
'logoURL' => ''/content/images/logo/RR-wordmark-816x78-trans.png'',
'slogan' => '<p class="slogan">$sloganMindset</p>',
'logo' => '$imtLogoBlackURL',
'nav' => array(
'content' => '{annotate 1,Nav}<div class="navi"><nav>{emitMenus}</nav></div><br class="clear">{/annotate}',
'footer' => array(
'content' => '<div class="footer">$footerMenu$footerLogo</div>',
'footerLogo' => '{annotate 1,Footer Logo}<div class="footerLogo"><img src="$logo"></div>{/annotate}',
'logoURL' => ''/content/images/logo/RRIT-732x513-trans.png'',
0 => '# Add $footerAddr before $footerMenu to show the server IP address in the footer (for debugging)',
'footerAddr' => '<div style="color:white;text-align: center">$SERVER_ADDR</div>',
'footerMenu' => '{annotate 1,Footer Menu}<div id="impax_footer_menu">$contact$privacy$terms</div>{/annotate}',
'contact' => '<a href="/contact/">Contact Us</a>',
'privacy' => '<a href="/privacy/">Privacy Policy</a>',
'terms' => '<a href="/disclaimers/">Terms & Conditions</a>',
'logo' => '$rritLogoURL',
'font' => array(
'OpenSans' => 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,600,700,900',
'Courgette' => 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Courgette:400,600,700,900',
'CrimsonText' => 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Crimson+Text',
'Lato' => 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,600,700,900',
'Raleway' => 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:400,600,700,900',
'syslog' => array(
'command' => 'logger',
'menu' => array(
'Our Sites->/our-sites/',
'Join Us->/join-us/',
'>Bio Defense E->/product-bio-defense-e/',
'>Excel Rx->/product-excel-rx/',
'>Daily Detox->/product-daily-detox/',
'>Mobility Rx->/product-mobility-rx/',
'>Anything Is Possible->/product-anything-is-possible/',
'>Everything in Life Is a Performance->/product-everything-in-life/',
'>Emotional Power Training->/product-emotional-power-training/',
'>Veto the Bully->/product-veto-the-bully/',
'>Invincible Divorcée Home Study Course->/product-invincible-divorcee/',
'>Personal Coaching->/coaching/',
'>View Entire Catalog->/shop/',
'>Personal Coaching->/coaching/',
'>Group Coaching->/about-group-coaching/',
▸ ImpaxTheme::readConfig('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/site/invincibledivorcee.com/site.cfg')
ImpaxTheme::readConfig from line 1346 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::loadConfigurationItems from line 1331 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::loadConfiguration from line 173 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::setup()
ImpaxTheme::setup from line 199 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::emitScripts()
ImpaxTheme::emitScripts from line 368 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::setup from line 199 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::scanForFiles(array(
ImpaxTheme::scanForFiles from line 264 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitScripts from line 368 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::setup from line 199 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::localDirectory('/js')
ImpaxTheme::localDirectory from line 1685 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::scanForFiles from line 264 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitScripts from line 368 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::setup from line 199 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::pathToURI('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/js/impax.js')
ImpaxTheme::pathToURI from line 268 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitScripts from line 368 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::setup from line 199 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::pathToURI('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/js/impax.js')
ImpaxTheme::pathToURI from line 269 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitScripts from line 368 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::setup from line 199 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 704 of file /wp-settings.php
require_once from line 102 of file /wp-config.php
require_once from line 50 of file /wp-load.php
require_once from line 13 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Filter show_admin_bar▸ ImpaxTheme::filterShowAdminBar(false)
ImpaxTheme::filterShowAdminBar from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1382 of file /wp-includes/admin-bar.php
is_admin_bar_showing from line 26 of file /wp-includes/admin-bar.php
_wp_admin_bar_init from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 13 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ template_include: Theme: Impax Theme, Template: single.php (single.php)
Exelana::_cbFilterTemplateInclude from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 104 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Filter ▸ ImpaxTheme::getSiteOrTheme('favicon.ico')
ImpaxTheme::getSiteOrTheme from line 8 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::pathToURI('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/site/invincibledivorcee.com/favicon.ico')
ImpaxTheme::pathToURI from line 10 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Action wp_enqueue_scripts▸ Exelana::_cbEnqueueScripts('')
Exelana::_cbEnqueueScripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::enqueueScript('exksc-utility-js','js/utility.js',array(
'new Exelana_utility("https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/js/utility.js")',
Exelana::enqueueScript from line 910 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbEnqueueScripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::_cbEnqueueScripts: wp_enqueue_style('exksc-debug','https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/css/debug.css',array(
Exelana::debugCall from line 8492 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::__call from line 6437 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__call from line 915 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbEnqueueScripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::_cbEnqueueScripts: wp_enqueue_script('exksc-js','https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/js/exksc.js')
Exelana::debugCall from line 8492 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::__call from line 6437 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__call from line 918 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbEnqueueScripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::_cbEnqueueScripts: wp_enqueue_script('exksc-utility-js','https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/js/utility.js')
Exelana::debugCall from line 8492 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::__call from line 6437 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::__call from line 918 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbEnqueueScripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::enqueueStyles('')
ImpaxTheme::enqueueStyles from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::scanForFiles(array(
ImpaxTheme::scanForFiles from line 309 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::enqueueStyles from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::localDirectory('/')
ImpaxTheme::localDirectory from line 1685 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::scanForFiles from line 309 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::enqueueStyles from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::localDirectory('/css')
ImpaxTheme::localDirectory from line 1685 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::scanForFiles from line 309 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::enqueueStyles from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::pathToURI('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/style.css')
ImpaxTheme::pathToURI from line 317 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::enqueueStyles from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::pathToURI('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/style.css')
ImpaxTheme::pathToURI from line 319 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::enqueueStyles from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::pathToURI('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/css/impax.css')
ImpaxTheme::pathToURI from line 317 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::enqueueStyles from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::pathToURI('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/css/impax.css')
ImpaxTheme::pathToURI from line 319 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::enqueueStyles from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::pathToURI('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/site/invincibledivorcee.com/css/style.css')
ImpaxTheme::pathToURI from line 317 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::enqueueStyles from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::pathToURI('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/themes/Impax/site/invincibledivorcee.com/css/style.css')
ImpaxTheme::pathToURI from line 319 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::enqueueStyles from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::emitFonts('')
ImpaxTheme::emitFonts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 2272 of file /wp-includes/script-loader.php
wp_enqueue_scripts from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Action wp_head▸ Exelana::_cbInHeader('')
Exelana::_cbInHeader from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::removeWpautop('')
ImpaxTheme::removeWpautop from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3064 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_head from line 19 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Filter show_admin_bar▸ ImpaxTheme::filterShowAdminBar(false)
ImpaxTheme::filterShowAdminBar from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1382 of file /wp-includes/admin-bar.php
is_admin_bar_showing from line 793 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
get_body_class from line 622 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
body_class from line 23 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Filter body_class▸ ImpaxTheme::filterBodyClass(array(
ImpaxTheme::filterBodyClass from line 326 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 859 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
get_body_class from line 622 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
body_class from line 23 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Filter show_admin_bar▸ ImpaxTheme::filterShowAdminBar(false)
ImpaxTheme::filterShowAdminBar from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1382 of file /wp-includes/admin-bar.php
is_admin_bar_showing from line 81 of file /wp-includes/admin-bar.php
wp_admin_bar_render from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3096 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_body_open from line 24 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Filter ▸ ImpaxTheme::getElideHeader()
ImpaxTheme::getElideHeader from line 32 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::getSite()
ImpaxTheme::getSite from line 37 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::renderFromConfiguration($config,'header','content',' ')
ImpaxTheme::renderFromConfiguration from line 41 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$config' => null,
▸ ImpaxTheme::getElideMenu()
ImpaxTheme::getElideMenu from line 42 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::emitMenus()
ImpaxTheme::emitMenus from line 47 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Filter wp_nav_menu_args▸ ImpaxTheme::filterNavMenuArgs($args)
ImpaxTheme::filterNavMenuArgs from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 97 of file /wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php
wp_nav_menu from line 236 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitMenus from line 47 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$args' => array(
'menu' => '',
'container' => 'div',
'container_class' => 'menu-{menu slug}-container',
'container_id' => '',
'container_aria_label' => '',
'menu_class' => 'menu',
'menu_id' => '',
'echo' => true,
'fallback_cb' => 'wp_page_menu',
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
'link_before' => '',
'link_after' => '',
'items_wrap' => '<ul>%3$s</ul>',
'item_spacing' => 'preserve',
'depth' => 0,
'walker' => '',
'theme_location' => 'header-menu',
Filter wp_nav_menu_items▸ ImpaxTheme::filterMenuItems($items)
ImpaxTheme::filterMenuItems from line 326 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 267 of file /wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php
wp_nav_menu from line 236 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitMenus from line 47 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$items' => '',
▸ Exelana::_cbNavMenuItems($items)
Exelana::_cbNavMenuItems from line 326 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 267 of file /wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php
wp_nav_menu from line 236 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitMenus from line 47 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$items' => '<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/about">About</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/our-sites/">Our Sites</a>\n
<li><a href="https://www.robertrudelic.com/">RobertRudelic.com</a></li>\n
<li><a href="https://invinciblemindsettraining.com/">InvincibleMindsetTraining.com</a></li>\n
<li><a href="https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/">InvincibleDivorcee.com</a></li>\n
<li><a href="https://www.firstresponders.club/">FirstResponders.club</a></li>\n
<li><a href="http://www.impaxsportstherapy.com/">ImpaxSportsTherapy.com</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/join-us/">Join Us</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/media/">Media</a></li>\n
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▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbMemberMenuItems($items)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbMemberMenuItems from line 326 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 267 of file /wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php
wp_nav_menu from line 236 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitMenus from line 47 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$items' => '<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>\n
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<li><a href="https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/">InvincibleDivorcee.com</a></li>\n
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▸ Exelana::getOption('member_menu')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1379 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbMemberMenuItems from line 326 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 267 of file /wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php
wp_nav_menu from line 236 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitMenus from line 47 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('member_menu_item')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbMemberMenuItems from line 326 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 267 of file /wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php
wp_nav_menu from line 236 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitMenus from line 47 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'text' => 'Log In',
'dest' => '[login]',
'state' => 'logged_out',
'text' => 'View Invincible Divorcee Webinar',
'dest' => '/invincible-divorcee-webinar/',
'state' => 'logged_out',
'text' => 'Join Us',
'dest' => '/join-us/',
'state' => 'logged_out',
'text' => 'Dashboard',
'dest' => '/members/?dest=dashboard',
'state' => 'logged_in',
'text' => 'Log Out',
'dest' => '[logout]',
'state' => 'logged_in',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::getLoginURL()
ExelanaKickStartCart::getLoginURL from line 1452 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbMemberMenuItems from line 326 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 267 of file /wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php
wp_nav_menu from line 236 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitMenus from line 47 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('member_login')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 3018 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::getLoginURL from line 1452 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbMemberMenuItems from line 326 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 267 of file /wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php
wp_nav_menu from line 236 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/functions.php
ImpaxTheme::emitMenus from line 47 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/header.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 48 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_header from line 3 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Action loop_start▸ Exelana::_cbActivateJS($query)
Exelana::_cbActivateJS from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 565 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action_ref_array from line 3711 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-query.php
WP_Query::the_post from line 1005 of file /wp-includes/query.php
the_post from line 9 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$query' => WP_Query object,
▸ Exelana::getOption('version')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 776 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbActivateJS from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 565 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action_ref_array from line 3711 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-query.php
WP_Query::the_post from line 1005 of file /wp-includes/query.php
the_post from line 9 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::addJavascript('exelana_init',$script,false)
Exelana::addJavascript from line 878 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbActivateJS from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 565 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action_ref_array from line 3711 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-query.php
WP_Query::the_post from line 1005 of file /wp-includes/query.php
the_post from line 9 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$script' => array(
'exksc = {',
' version: '1.0',',
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' base: 'https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart',',
' core: {',
' version: {\n
plugin: '1.0',\n
ExelanaKickStartCart: '0.2 2025-02-17 16:33:37',\n
Exelana: '0.6 2024-10-08 00:55:38',\n
' debug: true,',
' },',
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'exksc.code = new EXKSC(exksc);',
Filter the_content▸ Exelana::_cbFilterContent($content)
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '[exksc embed /content/blogs/divorce-five-stages.ht]',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode(array(
'embed' => '',
'/content/blogs/divorce-five-stages.ht' => '',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '',
'$raw' => '[exksc embed /content/blogs/divorce-five-stages.ht]',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/content/blogs/divorce-five-stages.ht',false)
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally: result
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'[exksc embed /content/blogs/intro.ht]',
'[exksc embed /content/shared/author-robert.ht]',
'[exksc embed /content/blogs/divorce-articles.ht]',
'<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/bench-despair.jpg" alt="" /></p>',
'<h2 style="text-align: center;">Have You Been Abandoned and Betrayed?</h2>',
'<p>Has your break up or divorce caught you off guard? Without notice, without discussion, he’s leaving – he took all of the joy you had about your marriage and threw it all away leaving you no time to plan or strategize about what you’re going to do. Has the sudden shock and confusion left you completely overwhelmed, filled with grief, fear and out of control anger? If this is happening to you, you’re certainly not alone!</p>',
'<p>Unfortunately, statistics show that in more than 90 percent of these cases, the men ran to other women, leaving you with a distorted reality along with an enormous sense of betrayal. How do you deal with the hit to self-esteem when you feel like you’ve been tossed aside, and how do you go from this life altering event to rebuilding your life and thriving – claiming this new opportunity to grow and experience things you never even imagined!</p>',
'<p>I believe it’s impossible to plan for the emotional trauma and personal upheaval that happens when a break up is put in motion. The biggest issue for most is they do not possess the tools to effectively deal with the emotional fires that need to be managed to keep your head on straight and stay emotionally composed.</p>',
'<p>Many people are aware of what’s referred to as “The Five Stages of Grief.” The problem is, most people that can name the Five Stages of Grief, never in a million years ever thought that they would be applying them to real life...not theirs anyway!</p>',
'<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/knowledge-and-knowing.gif" alt="" /></p>',
'<p>There is a vast difference between <i>knowledge</i> and <i>knowing</i>. You can sit in a classroom and study the facts and have a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject but that is not <i>knowing</i>. Knowledge is of the mind, knowing is of the being. Knowing is actually performing the task or action. You can have the knowledge but unless you’ve truly done it, you won’t “know”.</p>',
'<p>That’s a primary difference between psychotherapy and coaching. Knowledge and understanding the “whys” is nice and many people need to know the whys before moving forward, but all too often their drive to take action and resolve the issue for good stops there. They think knowledge solves it and it doesn’t. Psychotherapy is great at getting to the bottom of an issue and defining it but just circling around an issue without much forward progress is not the most effective way to get the desperately needed results they’re looking for.</p>',
'<p>Coaching works differently. Coaching can take any issue and break it down based on present behavior and the desired behavior going forward and get you there. Coaching is results orientated and in my coaching practice speed is essential. So, it comes down to the tools each approach has to make changes. You must have tools that produce a complete removal of beliefs and fears and also imprint new beliefs and behaviors that will be the only information available when the conscious mind refers to the subconscious for what to do.</p>',
'<p>If all you have is an understanding or “knowledge” of the roots of your beliefs that effect your emotions, which in turn influences your behavior, but don’t erase (or know how to erase) old beliefs and replace them with new beliefs you’re always vulnerable to getting triggered (by your husband and others) and fall back into old behaviors that sabotage you.</p>',
'<p>The emotional result is a feeling of anger and defeat, asking your-self “how come I got triggered and lost it when I spent so much time working on not getting triggered?” It’s the tools. There are tools now that erase and replace quickly and you’re in charge of the process. You’re fully aware of what you’re replacing the old beliefs with. Talk about feeling truly empowered!!!!! It’s time to end the cycle of drugs and talk therapy. I want you to wake up and go to sleep fully engaged in making the best version of yourself ever! Once you erase and replace, you move on – never having to readdress the issue again!</p>',
'<p>Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance are the 5 most recognized stages of grief and one doesn't move smoothly from one stage to the other. There is often no beginning, middle or end for each stage and most stages can repeat several times.</p>',
'<p>This is unfortunate especially when the intensity of the stage may feel the same every time. That’s because talking pharmaceutical drugs, exercise, yoga, meditation, the usual suspects only calm you down and help you understand, but when you apply the new tools available now to address these stages you’ll feel a noticeable lessening in intensity each time you get angry or feel disappointed sad or depressed. After a short time of using effective tools you’ll move on from the 5 stages and start taking action, move forward and begin creating your new life with confidence and optimism.</p>',
'<p>Some people think that attempting to manage your emotional recovery during and after divorce is ill-timed, “just give yourself a break” they say. You will move through recovery at your own pace, angry one week, in denial the next and you’ll come to the point of acceptance, hopefully sooner than later.</p>',
'<p>If you let this take its own time you may never fully recover. You’ll likely keep some emotional baggage that will sabotage your new relationships. It can change your personality forever. I believe you can take charge of the process and not just “let it happen.” All too often we are surrounded by people with their own baggage and will reinforce experiences and beliefs that don’t work well for you moving forward.</p>',
'<h2>The Emotional Stages of Grieving Your Divorce:</h2>',
'<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">',
'<p><img src="/content/images/blog/denial.gif" /></p>',
'<div style="position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(10%,-50%);">',
'<p>There’s nothing like moving through a hurricane and pretending all is well with the world. Denial is your psyches way of protecting you from becoming emotionally overwhelmed. Denial is a useful coping mechanism, but after a while refusing to face reality becomes a very undesirable characteristic.</p>',
'<p>This is where a brutally honest personal assessment can be highly enlightening. I teach my clients to do this assessment on their own first, then with a group of only their closest friends to get their perspective. The way to do this is to start with the viewpoint that it’s a 50/50 proposition – meaning no issue or situation is 100% one persons’ fault. After honestly assessing all aspects of what’s happening and realizing that there are some shortcomings on your end, things that you could have done differently or better, it’s likely you’ll get angry at yourself and retreat to denial. Denial often provides a temporary escape from your pain and provides an unrealistic sense of hope and even blindness to reality.</p>',
'<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">',
'<p><img src="/content/images/blog/anger.gif" /></p>',
'<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">',
'<p>The Huffington Post published a very fitting article quoting a woman expressing the anger stage. “I visited the anger stage often and my ex took a bashing. Seriously, when your world is falling down around you who better to blame for all your problems than a crazy ex-husband? If the car battery died, guess who I blamed? If it rained on a day I had planned to go the beach, it was his fault. I had no role in any adversity that came my way!</p>',
'<p>During the anger phase he became the worst lover I had ever had, ugly beyond description, a slob, a wimp...my anger did a number on him and his character. My advice about the Anger Stage – have at it! As long as there are no little ears to hear your disparaging and insulting remarks about your ex feel free to let out all the pent up anger you stuffed during the Denial Stage.”</p>',
'<p>Remember though – unresolved anger can be very harmful to your health. Known effects are headaches, problems with digestion, insomnia, increased anxiety, depression, skin problems such as eczema and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.</p>',
'<p>The anger stage is scary for many women……..at first. They don’t want to feel this way, it’s unbecoming, it’s a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of lacking self-control, but holding it back is the worst thing you can do. Here’s where a little understanding and a high impact tool can be incredibly empowering.</p>',
'<p>With this understanding you can effectively apply a tool I call the 3 Minute Rant and take an emotionally explosive situation and disarm it in minutes. You’ll never respond the same way or with the same intensity ever again. This is where you’ll develop unshakable emotional composure and start developing your Invincible Mindset.</p>',
'<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">',
'<p><img src="/content/images/blog/bargaining.gif" /></p>',
'<div style="position: absolute; top: 0%; left: 30%;">',
'<p>In this stage you will attempt to repair and undo the damage done to your life. Bargaining is when you stop and say, "oh dear, I can't handle this emotionally. I'll negotiate anything with him, I’ll turn myself inside if need be but I can't go through this."</p>',
'<p>It is an attempt to put on the brakes, stop that runaway train and get your "life" back. It might not have been a great life but it was a hell of a lot better than what you are experiencing now. The Huffington Post article continued with this – “during the bargaining stage my ex was the best lover I had ever had. I missed his beautiful face and his manly demeanor. He was God's gift and I wanted him back.”</p>',
'<p>Bargaining is a last ditch attempt at coming to terms with the divorce. It’s during this stage where you will begin to pursue your husband. You want him back at all costs to you and your self-esteem. The thing to remember is; he will also go through the Bargaining Stage. If he’s made a mistake he will realize it and undo that which he’s set in motion.</p>',
'<p>The bargaining stage if often a transition point between the intense stages of anger and depression. It can be a cooling off period between these two extremes in which you can focus on something that makes you feel as if you still have a little control in your life.</p>',
'<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">',
'<p><img src="/content/images/blog/depression.gif" /></p>',
'<div style="position: absolute; top: 75%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">',
'<h2 style="color: white;">Depression</h2>',
'<p>You'll be in bed or in front of the television for most of this stage. Sadness, debilitating sadness becomes your constant companion. This is the one stage we all expect. We know that depression is going to hit, what we don't realize is that depression can go hand in hand with all the stages of grief.</p>',
'<p>You may not bathe for three days during the Denial Stage. Hair care takes a back seat during the Anger Stage. Even though you may have surrounded yourself with a support system of family and friends, you are squarely in the present and dealing with the constant reminder of all that you’ve lost and how your life has changed.</p>',
'<p>There is a better way to eliminate the toxic emotions that engulf you.</p>',
'<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">',
'<p><img src="/content/images/blog/acceptance.gif" /></p>',
'<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">',
'<p>You’ll love this stage. When it hits you'll throw your head back and laugh. There is light at the end of the tunnel and life ahead. You've moved through adversity and learned from it. Full steam ahead!</p>',
'<p>Be warned though, acceptance doesn't mean you don't still have negative emotions about your divorce. You may still feel some anger; there may still be sadness at the loss of your marriage.</p>',
'<p>You’ve learned to "accept" the reality of the situation. You may have feelings of regret over the loss of your marriage <i>BUT</i> … its regret you can live with. You are no longer stuck in the grief...if you’re lucky you are no longer grieving. If there are still feelings of grief they are at least no longer holding you back from living life.</p>',
'<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/new-beginnings.jpg" alt="" /></p>',
'<p>There is one last stage that makes it worth the journey. It’s the new beginnings stage where all your plans start to become real, where things start getting easier and things that you never thought possible start becoming possible! More than that, you start planning for it to happen and it will!</p>',
'<p>It takes the right focus, the right tools and the ability to persevere to make your break up an opportunity of a lifetime.</p>',
'<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/you-can-do-it.gif" alt="" /></p>',
'[exksc embed /content/blogs/ending-idhsc.ht]',
▸ Exelana::_cbFilterContent($content)
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '[exksc embed /content/blogs/intro.ht]\n
[exksc embed /content/shared/author-robert.ht]\n
[exksc embed /content/blogs/divorce-articles.ht]\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/bench-despair.jpg" alt="" /></p>\n
<h2 style="text-align: center;">Have You Been Abandoned and Betrayed?</h2>\n
<p>Has your break up or divorce caught you off guard? Without notice, without discussion, he’s leaving – he took all of the joy you had about your marriage and threw it all away leaving you no time to plan or strategize about what you’re going to do. Has the sudden shock and confusion left you completely overwhelmed, filled with grief, fear and out of control anger? If this is happening to you, you’re certainly not alone!</p>\n
<p>Unfortunately, statistics show that in more than 90 percent of these cases, the men ran to other women, leaving you with a distorted reality along with an enormous sense of betrayal. How do you deal with the hit to self-esteem when you feel like you’ve been tossed aside, and how do you go from this life altering event to rebuilding your life and thriving – claiming this new opportunity to grow and experience things you never even imagined!</p>\n
<p>I believe it’s impossible to plan for the emotional trauma and personal upheaval that happens when a break up is put in motion. The biggest issue for most is they do not possess the tools to effectively deal with the emotional fires that need to be managed to keep your head on straight and stay emotionally composed.</p>\n
<p>Many people are aware of what’s referred to as “The Five Stages of Grief.” The problem is, most people that can name the Five Stages of Grief, never in a million years ever thought that they would be applying them to real life…not theirs anyway!</p>\n\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/knowledge-and-knowing.gif" alt="" /></p>\n
<p>There is a vast difference between <i>knowledge</i> and <i>knowing</i>. You can sit in a classroom and study the facts and have a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject but that is not <i>knowing</i>. Knowledge is of the mind, knowing is of the being. Knowing is actually performing the task or action. You can have the knowledge but unless you’ve truly done it, you won’t “know”.</p>\n
<p>That’s a primary difference between psychotherapy and coaching. Knowledge and understanding the “whys” is nice and many people need to know the whys before moving forward, but all too often their drive to take action and resolve the issue for good stops there. They think knowledge solves it and it doesn’t. Psychotherapy is great at getting to the bottom of an issue and defining it but just circling around an issue without much forward progress is not the most effective way to get the desperately needed results they’re looking for.</p>\n
<p>Coaching works differently. Coaching can take any issue and break it down based on present behavior and the desired behavior going forward and get you there. Coaching is results orientated and in my coaching practice speed is essential. So, it comes down to the tools each approach has to make changes. You must have tools that produce a complete removal of beliefs and fears and also imprint new beliefs and behaviors that will be the only information available when the conscious mind refers to the subconscious for what to do.</p>\n
<p>If all you have is an understanding or “knowledge” of the roots of your beliefs that effect your emotions, which in turn influences your behavior, but don’t erase (or know how to erase) old beliefs and replace them with new beliefs you’re always vulnerable to getting triggered (by your husband and others) and fall back into old behaviors that sabotage you.</p>\n
<p>The emotional result is a feeling of anger and defeat, asking your-self “how come I got triggered and lost it when I spent so much time working on not getting triggered?” It’s the tools. There are tools now that erase and replace quickly and you’re in charge of the process. You’re fully aware of what you’re replacing the old beliefs with. Talk about feeling truly empowered!!!!! It’s time to end the cycle of drugs and talk therapy. I want you to wake up and go to sleep fully engaged in making the best version of yourself ever! Once you erase and replace, you move on – never having to readdress the issue again!</p>\n
<p>Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance are the 5 most recognized stages of grief and one doesn’t move smoothly from one stage to the other. There is often no beginning, middle or end for each stage and most stages can repeat several times.</p>\n
<p>This is unfortunate especially when the intensity of the stage may feel the same every time. That’s because talking pharmaceutical drugs, exercise, yoga, meditation, the usual suspects only calm you down and help you understand, but when you apply the new tools available now to address these stages you’ll feel a noticeable lessening in intensity each time you get angry or feel disappointed sad or depressed. After a short time of using effective tools you’ll move on from the 5 stages and start taking action, move forward and begin creating your new life with confidence and optimism.</p>\n
<p>Some people think that attempting to manage your emotional recovery during and after divorce is ill-timed, “just give yourself a break” they say. You will move through recovery at your own pace, angry one week, in denial the next and you’ll come to the point of acceptance, hopefully sooner than later.</p>\n
<p>If you let this take its own time you may never fully recover. You’ll likely keep some emotional baggage that will sabotage your new relationships. It can change your personality forever. I believe you can take charge of the process and not just “let it happen.” All too often we are surrounded by people with their own baggage and will reinforce experiences and beliefs that don’t work well for you moving forward.</p>\n\n
<h2>The Emotional Stages of Grieving Your Divorce:</h2>\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/denial.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(10%,-50%);">\n
<p>There’s nothing like moving through a hurricane and pretending all is well with the world. Denial is your psyches way of protecting you from becoming emotionally overwhelmed. Denial is a useful coping mechanism, but after a while refusing to face reality becomes a very undesirable characteristic.</p>\n
<p>This is where a brutally honest personal assessment can be highly enlightening. I teach my clients to do this assessment on their own first, then with a group of only their closest friends to get their perspective. The way to do this is to start with the viewpoint that it’s a 50/50 proposition – meaning no issue or situation is 100% one persons’ fault. After honestly assessing all aspects of what’s happening and realizing that there are some shortcomings on your end, things that you could have done differently or better, it’s likely you’ll get angry at yourself and retreat to denial. Denial often provides a temporary escape from your pain and provides an unrealistic sense of hope and even blindness to reality.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/anger.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<p>The Huffington Post published a very fitting article quoting a woman expressing the anger stage. “I visited the anger stage often and my ex took a bashing. Seriously, when your world is falling down around you who better to blame for all your problems than a crazy ex-husband? If the car battery died, guess who I blamed? If it rained on a day I had planned to go the beach, it was his fault. I had no role in any adversity that came my way!</p>\n
<p>During the anger phase he became the worst lover I had ever had, ugly beyond description, a slob, a wimp…my anger did a number on him and his character. My advice about the Anger Stage – have at it! As long as there are no little ears to hear your disparaging and insulting remarks about your ex feel free to let out all the pent up anger you stuffed during the Denial Stage.”</p>\n
<p>Remember though – unresolved anger can be very harmful to your health. Known effects are headaches, problems with digestion, insomnia, increased anxiety, depression, skin problems such as eczema and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.</p>\n
<p>The anger stage is scary for many women……..at first. They don’t want to feel this way, it’s unbecoming, it’s a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of lacking self-control, but holding it back is the worst thing you can do. Here’s where a little understanding and a high impact tool can be incredibly empowering.</p>\n
<p>With this understanding you can effectively apply a tool I call the 3 Minute Rant and take an emotionally explosive situation and disarm it in minutes. You’ll never respond the same way or with the same intensity ever again. This is where you’ll develop unshakable emotional composure and start developing your Invincible Mindset.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/bargaining.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 0%; left: 30%;">\n
<p>In this stage you will attempt to repair and undo the damage done to your life. Bargaining is when you stop and say, “oh dear, I can’t handle this emotionally. I’ll negotiate anything with him, I’ll turn myself inside if need be but I can’t go through this.”</p>\n
<p>It is an attempt to put on the brakes, stop that runaway train and get your “life” back. It might not have been a great life but it was a hell of a lot better than what you are experiencing now. The Huffington Post article continued with this – “during the bargaining stage my ex was the best lover I had ever had. I missed his beautiful face and his manly demeanor. He was God’s gift and I wanted him back.”</p>\n
<p>Bargaining is a last ditch attempt at coming to terms with the divorce. It’s during this stage where you will begin to pursue your husband. You want him back at all costs to you and your self-esteem. The thing to remember is; he will also go through the Bargaining Stage. If he’s made a mistake he will realize it and undo that which he’s set in motion.</p>\n
<p>The bargaining stage if often a transition point between the intense stages of anger and depression. It can be a cooling off period between these two extremes in which you can focus on something that makes you feel as if you still have a little control in your life.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/depression.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 75%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<h2 style="color: white;">Depression</h2>\n
<p>You’ll be in bed or in front of the television for most of this stage. Sadness, debilitating sadness becomes your constant companion. This is the one stage we all expect. We know that depression is going to hit, what we don’t realize is that depression can go hand in hand with all the stages of grief.</p>\n
<p>You may not bathe for three days during the Denial Stage. Hair care takes a back seat during the Anger Stage. Even though you may have surrounded yourself with a support system of family and friends, you are squarely in the present and dealing with the constant reminder of all that you’ve lost and how your life has changed.</p>\n
<p>There is a better way to eliminate the toxic emotions that engulf you.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/acceptance.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<p>You’ll love this stage. When it hits you’ll throw your head back and laugh. There is light at the end of the tunnel and life ahead. You’ve moved through adversity and learned from it. Full steam ahead!</p>\n
<p>Be warned though, acceptance doesn’t mean you don’t still have negative emotions about your divorce. You may still feel some anger; there may still be sadness at the loss of your marriage.</p>\n
<p>You’ve learned to “accept” the reality of the situation. You may have feelings of regret over the loss of your marriage <i>BUT</i> … its regret you can live with. You are no longer stuck in the grief…if you’re lucky you are no longer grieving. If there are still feelings of grief they are at least no longer holding you back from living life.</p>\n\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/new-beginnings.jpg" alt="" /></p>\n
<p>There is one last stage that makes it worth the journey. It’s the new beginnings stage where all your plans start to become real, where things start getting easier and things that you never thought possible start becoming possible! More than that, you start planning for it to happen and it will!</p>\n
<p>It takes the right focus, the right tools and the ability to persevere to make your break up an opportunity of a lifetime.</p>\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/you-can-do-it.gif" alt="" /></p>\n
[exksc embed /content/blogs/ending-idhsc.ht]',
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Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
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the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
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preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
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Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
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preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
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Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
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the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
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'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcGetExpr($cond,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcGetExpr from line 2595 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'error',
'value' => null,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken: token expr '$submit'
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond,true)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2619 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcPeek from line 2538 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 7,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'expr',
'value' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond,true)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2619 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcPeek from line 2512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 7,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'eol',
'value' => null,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition: before '$submit'; array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval($emit,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'$exec' => array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper($ec,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$ec' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'exit' => false,
'$exec' => array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr($ec,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr from line 2698 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$ec' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'exit' => false,
'$exec' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr: expr='$submit'; result=null
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr from line 2698 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition: after '$submit'; error=false; value=null; result=true
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition: #if '$submit' => null
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition: Should drop through to else
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally: result
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::_cbFilterContent($content)
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '',
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('')
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('')
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('debug_user')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1286 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess: none of isAdministrator, debug user, or remoteDebug => false [user 0 cannot edit files]
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode(array(
'embed' => '',
'/content/shared/author-robert.ht' => '',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '',
'$raw' => '[exksc embed /content/shared/author-robert.ht]',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/content/shared/author-robert.ht',false)
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition($emit,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition($emit,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcGetExpr($cond,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcGetExpr from line 2595 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'error',
'value' => null,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken: token expr '$submit'
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond,true)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2619 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcPeek from line 2538 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 7,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'expr',
'value' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond,true)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2619 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcPeek from line 2512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 7,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'eol',
'value' => null,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition: before '$submit'; array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval($emit,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'$exec' => array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper($ec,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$ec' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'exit' => false,
'$exec' => array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr($ec,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr from line 2698 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$ec' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'exit' => false,
'$exec' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr: expr='$submit'; result=null
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr from line 2698 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition: after '$submit'; error=false; value=null; result=true
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition: #if '$submit' => null
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition: Should drop through to else
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally: result
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'<p>By <a href='/robert/'>Robert Rudelic</a> BS, NMT, MES</p>',
▸ Exelana::_cbFilterContent($content)
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '<p>By <a href='/robert/'>Robert Rudelic</a> BS, NMT, MES</p>',
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<p>By <a href='/robert/'>Robert Rudelic</a> BS, NMT, MES</p>')
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<p>By <a href='/robert/'>Robert Rudelic</a> BS, NMT, MES</p>')
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('debug_user')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1286 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess: none of isAdministrator, debug user, or remoteDebug => false [user 0 cannot edit files]
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode(array(
'embed' => '',
'/content/blogs/divorce-articles.ht' => '',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '',
'$raw' => '[exksc embed /content/blogs/divorce-articles.ht]',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/content/blogs/divorce-articles.ht',false)
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition($emit,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition($emit,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcGetExpr($cond,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcGetExpr from line 2595 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'error',
'value' => null,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken: token expr '$submit'
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond,true)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2619 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcPeek from line 2538 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 7,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'expr',
'value' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond,true)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2619 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcPeek from line 2512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 7,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'eol',
'value' => null,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition: before '$submit'; array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval($emit,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'$exec' => array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper($ec,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$ec' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'exit' => false,
'$exec' => array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr($ec,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr from line 2698 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$ec' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'exit' => false,
'$exec' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr: expr='$submit'; result=null
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr from line 2698 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition: after '$submit'; error=false; value=null; result=true
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition: #if '$submit' => null
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition: Should drop through to else
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally: result
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'<div style="width: 70%; border-style: double; padding-left: 5px;">',
'<p>All of the articles in this series:</p>',
'[exksc embed /content/blogs/divorce-articles-list.ht]',
▸ Exelana::_cbFilterContent($content)
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '<div style="width: 70%; border-style: double; padding-left: 5px;">\n
<p>All of the articles in this series:</p>\n
[exksc embed /content/blogs/divorce-articles-list.ht]\n
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode(array(
'embed' => '',
'/content/blogs/divorce-articles-list.ht' => '',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '',
'$raw' => '[exksc embed /content/blogs/divorce-articles-list.ht]',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/content/blogs/divorce-articles-list.ht',false)
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally: result
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'<li><a href="/blog/five-stages-of-divorce/">The Five Stages of Divorce</a></li>',
'<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-1-denial/">Divorce: Stage 1 – Denial</a></li>',
'<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-2-anger/">Divorce: Stage 2 – Anger</a></li>',
'<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-3-Bargaining/">Divorce: Stage 3 – Bargaining</a></li>',
'<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-4-Depression/">Divorce: Stage 4 – Depression</a></li>',
'<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-5-Acceptance/">Divorce: Stage 5 – Acceptance</a></li>',
▸ Exelana::_cbFilterContent($content)
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '<ul>\n
<li><a href="/blog/five-stages-of-divorce/">The Five Stages of Divorce</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-1-denial/">Divorce: Stage 1 – Denial</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-2-anger/">Divorce: Stage 2 – Anger</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-3-Bargaining/">Divorce: Stage 3 – Bargaining</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-4-Depression/">Divorce: Stage 4 – Depression</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-5-Acceptance/">Divorce: Stage 5 – Acceptance</a></li>\n
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<ul>\n
<li><a href="/blog/five-stages-of-divorce/">The Five Stages of Divorce</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-1-denial/">Divorce: Stage 1 – Denial</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-2-anger/">Divorce: Stage 2 – Anger</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-3-Bargaining/">Divorce: Stage 3 – Bargaining</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-4-Depression/">Divorce: Stage 4 – Depression</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-5-Acceptance/">Divorce: Stage 5 – Acceptance</a></li>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<ul>\n
<li><a href="/blog/five-stages-of-divorce/">The Five Stages of Divorce</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-1-denial/">Divorce: Stage 1 – Denial</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-2-anger/">Divorce: Stage 2 – Anger</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-3-Bargaining/">Divorce: Stage 3 – Bargaining</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-4-Depression/">Divorce: Stage 4 – Depression</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-5-Acceptance/">Divorce: Stage 5 – Acceptance</a></li>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('debug_user')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1286 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess: none of isAdministrator, debug user, or remoteDebug => false [user 0 cannot edit files]
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<div style="width: 70%; border-style: double; padding-left: 5px;">\n
<p>All of the articles in this series:</p>\n
<li><a href="/blog/five-stages-of-divorce/">The Five Stages of Divorce</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-1-denial/">Divorce: Stage 1 – Denial</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-2-anger/">Divorce: Stage 2 – Anger</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-3-Bargaining/">Divorce: Stage 3 – Bargaining</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-4-Depression/">Divorce: Stage 4 – Depression</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-5-Acceptance/">Divorce: Stage 5 – Acceptance</a></li>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<div style="width: 70%; border-style: double; padding-left: 5px;">\n
<p>All of the articles in this series:</p>\n
<li><a href="/blog/five-stages-of-divorce/">The Five Stages of Divorce</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-1-denial/">Divorce: Stage 1 – Denial</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-2-anger/">Divorce: Stage 2 – Anger</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-3-Bargaining/">Divorce: Stage 3 – Bargaining</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-4-Depression/">Divorce: Stage 4 – Depression</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-5-Acceptance/">Divorce: Stage 5 – Acceptance</a></li>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('debug_user')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1286 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess: none of isAdministrator, debug user, or remoteDebug => false [user 0 cannot edit files]
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode(array(
'embed' => '',
'/content/blogs/ending-idhsc.ht' => '',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '',
'$raw' => '[exksc embed /content/blogs/ending-idhsc.ht]',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/content/blogs/ending-idhsc.ht',false)
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition($emit,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition($emit,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcGetExpr($cond,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcGetExpr from line 2595 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'error',
'value' => null,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken: token expr '$submit'
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond,true)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2619 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcPeek from line 2538 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 7,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'expr',
'value' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond,true)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2619 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcPeek from line 2512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 7,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'eol',
'value' => null,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition: before '$submit'; array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval($emit,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'$exec' => array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper($ec,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$ec' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'exit' => false,
'$exec' => array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr($ec,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr from line 2698 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$ec' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'exit' => false,
'$exec' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr: expr='$submit'; result=null
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr from line 2698 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition: after '$submit'; error=false; value=null; result=true
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition: #if '$submit' => null
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition: Should drop through to else
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally: result
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'<p style="font-size: 200%;"><b>If You Want to Learn How to –</b></p>',
' <li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Own emotional composure</li>',
' <li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Eliminate self-sabotaging beliefs</li>',
' <li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Have an unshakable “Yes I Can Attitude”</li>',
' <li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Bravely stand up for yourself, think ahead, and make decisions with clarity and confidence</li>',
'<p style="font-size: 150%;">Go to <a class="impax" class="classic" href="https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/">www.InvincibleDivorcee.com</a></p>',
'<img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/logo/ID-376x189-trans.png" alt="" />',
'<p>My Program is an experiential training that pays off immediately by teaching you how to quickly change your mindset putting you in full control. You’ll learn how to replace the old beliefs with new beliefs and lock them in permanently, be inspired, and own emotional composure. The results are life-changing!</p>',
'[exksc embed /content/blogs/ending.ht]',
'[exksc embed /content/blogs/sidebar-idhsc.ht append sidebar]',
▸ Exelana::_cbFilterContent($content)
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '<p style="font-size: 200%;"><b>If You Want to Learn How to –</b></p>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Own emotional composure</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Eliminate self-sabotaging beliefs</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Have an unshakable “Yes I Can Attitude”</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Bravely stand up for yourself, think ahead, and make decisions with clarity and confidence</li>\n
<p style="font-size: 150%;">Go to <a class="impax" class="classic" href="https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/">www.InvincibleDivorcee.com</a></p>\n
<img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/logo/ID-376x189-trans.png" alt="" />\n
<p>My Program is an experiential training that pays off immediately by teaching you how to quickly change your mindset putting you in full control. You’ll learn how to replace the old beliefs with new beliefs and lock them in permanently, be inspired, and own emotional composure. The results are life-changing!</p>\n
[exksc embed /content/blogs/ending.ht]\n
[exksc embed /content/blogs/sidebar-idhsc.ht append sidebar]',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode(array(
'embed' => '',
'/content/blogs/ending.ht' => '',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '',
'$raw' => '[exksc embed /content/blogs/ending.ht]',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/content/blogs/ending.ht',false)
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally: result
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'<div class="blog_ending">',
'<p style="font-size: 150%" align="center">For more information, visit our <a href="/powertapping/">PowerTapping page</a>.</p>',
'<div class='row'>',
'<div class='column-2'>',
'<strong>Robert Rudelic, B.S., N.M.T., M.E.S.</strong><br>',
'<strong>San Francisco, CA 94107</strong><br>',
'<strong>Contact Us: </strong><a class="impax" href="/contact/">www.RobertRudelic.com/contact</a><br>',
'<strong>E-Mail: </strong><a class="impax" href="mailto:support@RobertRudelic.com">support@RobertRudelic.com</a><br>',
'<div class='column-2'>',
'<img src="/content/images/blog/Coaching.jpg"><br>',
'<a href="/coaching/">Schedule a coaching session</a>',
▸ Exelana::_cbFilterContent($content)
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '<div class="blog_ending">\n
<p style="font-size: 150%" align="center">For more information, visit our <a href="/powertapping/">PowerTapping page</a>.</p>\n
<div class='row'>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<strong>Robert Rudelic, B.S., N.M.T., M.E.S.</strong><br>\n
<strong>San Francisco, CA 94107</strong><br>\n
<strong>Contact Us: </strong><a class="impax" href="/contact/">www.RobertRudelic.com/contact</a><br>\n
<strong>E-Mail: </strong><a class="impax" href="mailto:support@RobertRudelic.com">support@RobertRudelic.com</a><br>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<img src="/content/images/blog/Coaching.jpg"><br>\n
<a href="/coaching/">Schedule a coaching session</a>\n
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<div class="blog_ending">\n
<p style="font-size: 150%" align="center">For more information, visit our <a href="/powertapping/">PowerTapping page</a>.</p>\n
<div class='row'>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<strong>Robert Rudelic, B.S., N.M.T., M.E.S.</strong><br>\n
<strong>San Francisco, CA 94107</strong><br>\n
<strong>Contact Us: </strong><a class="impax" href="/contact/">www.RobertRudelic.com/contact</a><br>\n
<strong>E-Mail: </strong><a class="impax" href="mailto:support@RobertRudelic.com">support@RobertRudelic.com</a><br>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<img src="/content/images/blog/Coaching.jpg"><br>\n
<a href="/coaching/">Schedule a coaching session</a>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<div class="blog_ending">\n
<p style="font-size: 150%" align="center">For more information, visit our <a href="/powertapping/">PowerTapping page</a>.</p>\n
<div class='row'>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<strong>Robert Rudelic, B.S., N.M.T., M.E.S.</strong><br>\n
<strong>San Francisco, CA 94107</strong><br>\n
<strong>Contact Us: </strong><a class="impax" href="/contact/">www.RobertRudelic.com/contact</a><br>\n
<strong>E-Mail: </strong><a class="impax" href="mailto:support@RobertRudelic.com">support@RobertRudelic.com</a><br>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<img src="/content/images/blog/Coaching.jpg"><br>\n
<a href="/coaching/">Schedule a coaching session</a>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('debug_user')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1286 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess: none of isAdministrator, debug user, or remoteDebug => false [user 0 cannot edit files]
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode(array(
'embed' => '',
'/content/blogs/sidebar-idhsc.ht' => '',
'append' => '',
'sidebar' => '',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '',
'$raw' => '[exksc embed /content/blogs/sidebar-idhsc.ht append sidebar]',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/content/blogs/sidebar-idhsc.ht',false)
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition($emit,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition($emit,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
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'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcGetExpr($cond,'$submit')
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcGetExpr from line 2595 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 0,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'error',
'value' => null,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken: token expr '$submit'
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2554 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoFactor from line 2533 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond,true)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2619 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcPeek from line 2538 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoTerm from line 2507 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 7,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'expr',
'value' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken($cond,true)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcNextToken from line 2619 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcPeek from line 2512 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcpcDoCond from line 2459 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcParseCondition from line 2434 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$cond' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'p' => 7,
'text' => '$submit',
'token' => 'eol',
'value' => null,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition: before '$submit'; array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval($emit,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'$exec' => array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper($ec,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$ec' => array(
'emit' => array(
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'exit' => false,
'$exec' => array(
'op' => 'eval',
'expr' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr($ec,$exec)
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr from line 2698 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
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'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
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'nLines' => 1,
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'else' => false,
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'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
'exit' => false,
'$exec' => '$submit',
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr: expr='$submit'; result=null
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecExpr from line 2698 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecOper from line 2644 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcecEval from line 2439 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition: after '$submit'; error=false; value=null; result=true
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcEvaluateCondition from line 2283 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'depth' => 1,
'errors' => array(),
'emitting' => true,
'exit' => false,
'nLines' => 1,
'state' => array(
'done' => false,
'else' => false,
'is' => false,
'was' => true,
'value' => null,
'debug' => array(
'cond' => false,
'parse' => false,
'int' => false,
'eval' => false,
'token' => false,
'error' => false,
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition: #if '$submit' => null
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition: Should drop through to else
ExelanaKickStartCart::_rfcProcessCondition from line 2224 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally: result
ExelanaKickStartCart::readFileConditionally from line 1687 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'<div class="center">',
' <h3>Invincible Divorcée Home Study Course</h3>',
' <p>Click the image below to learn more about our home study course.</p>',
' <a href="/content/product-invincible-divorcee/"><img src="/content/images/product/ID-bundle-250x366-border.jpg" alt="" class="aligncenter size-medium" /></a>',
'<p>Special Offer: $997.00</p>',
▸ Exelana::_cbFilterContent($content)
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$content' => '<div class="center">\n
<h3>Invincible Divorcée Home Study Course</h3>\n
<p>Click the image below to learn more about our home study course.</p>\n
<a href="/content/product-invincible-divorcee/"><img src="/content/images/product/ID-bundle-250x366-border.jpg" alt="" class="aligncenter size-medium" /></a>\n
<p>Special Offer: $997.00</p>\n
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<div class="center">\n
<h3>Invincible Divorcée Home Study Course</h3>\n
<p>Click the image below to learn more about our home study course.</p>\n
<a href="/content/product-invincible-divorcee/"><img src="/content/images/product/ID-bundle-250x366-border.jpg" alt="" class="aligncenter size-medium" /></a>\n
<p>Special Offer: $997.00</p>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<div class="center">\n
<h3>Invincible Divorcée Home Study Course</h3>\n
<p>Click the image below to learn more about our home study course.</p>\n
<a href="/content/product-invincible-divorcee/"><img src="/content/images/product/ID-bundle-250x366-border.jpg" alt="" class="aligncenter size-medium" /></a>\n
<p>Special Offer: $997.00</p>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ [exksc embed /content/blogs/sidebar-idhsc.ht append sidebar]
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'<div class="center"> <h3>Invincible Divorcée Home Study Course</h3> <p>Click the image below to learn more about our home study course.</p> <a href="/content/product-invincible-divorcee/"><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/product/ID-bundle-250x366-border.jpg" alt="" class="aligncenter size-medium" /></a><p>Special Offer: $997.00</p></div>'
▸ Exelana::addJavascript('exksc_append_sidebar',$script)
Exelana::addJavascript from line 1704 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$script' => array(
'document.getElementById('sidebar').innerHTML += '<div class="center"> <h3>Invincible Divorcée Home Study Course</h3> <p>Click the image below to learn more about our home study course.</p> <a href="/content/product-invincible-divorcee/"><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/product/ID-bundle-250x366-border.jpg" alt="" class="aligncenter size-medium" /></a><p>Special Offer: $997.00</p></div>'',
▸ Exelana::getOption('debug_user')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1286 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1705 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess: none of isAdministrator, debug user, or remoteDebug => false [user 0 cannot edit files]
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1705 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<p style="font-size: 200%;"><b>If You Want to Learn How to –</b></p>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Own emotional composure</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Eliminate self-sabotaging beliefs</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Have an unshakable “Yes I Can Attitude”</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Bravely stand up for yourself, think ahead, and make decisions with clarity and confidence</li>\n
<p style="font-size: 150%;">Go to <a class="impax" class="classic" href="https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/">www.InvincibleDivorcee.com</a></p>\n
<img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/logo/ID-376x189-trans.png" alt="" />\n
<p>My Program is an experiential training that pays off immediately by teaching you how to quickly change your mindset putting you in full control. You’ll learn how to replace the old beliefs with new beliefs and lock them in permanently, be inspired, and own emotional composure. The results are life-changing!</p>\n
<div class="blog_ending">\n
<p style="font-size: 150%" align="center">For more information, visit our <a href="/powertapping/">PowerTapping page</a>.</p>\n
<div class='row'>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<strong>Robert Rudelic, B.S., N.M.T., M.E.S.</strong><br>\n
<strong>San Francisco, CA 94107</strong><br>\n
<strong>Contact Us: </strong><a class="impax" href="/contact/">www.RobertRudelic.com/contact</a><br>\n
<strong>E-Mail: </strong><a class="impax" href="mailto:support@RobertRudelic.com">support@RobertRudelic.com</a><br>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/Coaching.jpg"><br>\n
<a href="/coaching/">Schedule a coaching session</a>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('<p style="font-size: 200%;"><b>If You Want to Learn How to –</b></p>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Own emotional composure</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Eliminate self-sabotaging beliefs</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Have an unshakable “Yes I Can Attitude”</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Bravely stand up for yourself, think ahead, and make decisions with clarity and confidence</li>\n
<p style="font-size: 150%;">Go to <a class="impax" class="classic" href="https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/">www.InvincibleDivorcee.com</a></p>\n
<img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/logo/ID-376x189-trans.png" alt="" />\n
<p>My Program is an experiential training that pays off immediately by teaching you how to quickly change your mindset putting you in full control. You’ll learn how to replace the old beliefs with new beliefs and lock them in permanently, be inspired, and own emotional composure. The results are life-changing!</p>\n
<div class="blog_ending">\n
<p style="font-size: 150%" align="center">For more information, visit our <a href="/powertapping/">PowerTapping page</a>.</p>\n
<div class='row'>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<strong>Robert Rudelic, B.S., N.M.T., M.E.S.</strong><br>\n
<strong>San Francisco, CA 94107</strong><br>\n
<strong>Contact Us: </strong><a class="impax" href="/contact/">www.RobertRudelic.com/contact</a><br>\n
<strong>E-Mail: </strong><a class="impax" href="mailto:support@RobertRudelic.com">support@RobertRudelic.com</a><br>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/Coaching.jpg"><br>\n
<a href="/coaching/">Schedule a coaching session</a>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::getOption('debug_user')
Exelana::_getOptionShowValue from line 2817 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::getOption from line 1286 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess: none of isAdministrator, debug user, or remoteDebug => false [user 0 cannot edit files]
ExelanaKickStartCart::hasAdminAccess from line 2162 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_shortcodeOutput from line 1696 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('\n
<p>By <a href='/robert/'>Robert Rudelic</a> BS, NMT, MES</p>\n
<div style="width: 70%; border-style: double; padding-left: 5px;">\n
<p>All of the articles in this series:</p>\n
<li><a href="/blog/five-stages-of-divorce/">The Five Stages of Divorce</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-1-denial/">Divorce: Stage 1 – Denial</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-2-anger/">Divorce: Stage 2 – Anger</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-3-Bargaining/">Divorce: Stage 3 – Bargaining</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-4-Depression/">Divorce: Stage 4 – Depression</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-5-Acceptance/">Divorce: Stage 5 – Acceptance</a></li>\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/bench-despair.jpg" alt="" /></p>\n
<h2 style="text-align: center;">Have You Been Abandoned and Betrayed?</h2>\n
<p>Has your break up or divorce caught you off guard? Without notice, without discussion, he’s leaving – he took all of the joy you had about your marriage and threw it all away leaving you no time to plan or strategize about what you’re going to do. Has the sudden shock and confusion left you completely overwhelmed, filled with grief, fear and out of control anger? If this is happening to you, you’re certainly not alone!</p>\n
<p>Unfortunately, statistics show that in more than 90 percent of these cases, the men ran to other women, leaving you with a distorted reality along with an enormous sense of betrayal. How do you deal with the hit to self-esteem when you feel like you’ve been tossed aside, and how do you go from this life altering event to rebuilding your life and thriving – claiming this new opportunity to grow and experience things you never even imagined!</p>\n
<p>I believe it’s impossible to plan for the emotional trauma and personal upheaval that happens when a break up is put in motion. The biggest issue for most is they do not possess the tools to effectively deal with the emotional fires that need to be managed to keep your head on straight and stay emotionally composed.</p>\n
<p>Many people are aware of what’s referred to as “The Five Stages of Grief.” The problem is, most people that can name the Five Stages of Grief, never in a million years ever thought that they would be applying them to real life…not theirs anyway!</p>\n\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/knowledge-and-knowing.gif" alt="" /></p>\n
<p>There is a vast difference between <i>knowledge</i> and <i>knowing</i>. You can sit in a classroom and study the facts and have a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject but that is not <i>knowing</i>. Knowledge is of the mind, knowing is of the being. Knowing is actually performing the task or action. You can have the knowledge but unless you’ve truly done it, you won’t “know”.</p>\n
<p>That’s a primary difference between psychotherapy and coaching. Knowledge and understanding the “whys” is nice and many people need to know the whys before moving forward, but all too often their drive to take action and resolve the issue for good stops there. They think knowledge solves it and it doesn’t. Psychotherapy is great at getting to the bottom of an issue and defining it but just circling around an issue without much forward progress is not the most effective way to get the desperately needed results they’re looking for.</p>\n
<p>Coaching works differently. Coaching can take any issue and break it down based on present behavior and the desired behavior going forward and get you there. Coaching is results orientated and in my coaching practice speed is essential. So, it comes down to the tools each approach has to make changes. You must have tools that produce a complete removal of beliefs and fears and also imprint new beliefs and behaviors that will be the only information available when the conscious mind refers to the subconscious for what to do.</p>\n
<p>If all you have is an understanding or “knowledge” of the roots of your beliefs that effect your emotions, which in turn influences your behavior, but don’t erase (or know how to erase) old beliefs and replace them with new beliefs you’re always vulnerable to getting triggered (by your husband and others) and fall back into old behaviors that sabotage you.</p>\n
<p>The emotional result is a feeling of anger and defeat, asking your-self “how come I got triggered and lost it when I spent so much time working on not getting triggered?” It’s the tools. There are tools now that erase and replace quickly and you’re in charge of the process. You’re fully aware of what you’re replacing the old beliefs with. Talk about feeling truly empowered!!!!! It’s time to end the cycle of drugs and talk therapy. I want you to wake up and go to sleep fully engaged in making the best version of yourself ever! Once you erase and replace, you move on – never having to readdress the issue again!</p>\n
<p>Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance are the 5 most recognized stages of grief and one doesn’t move smoothly from one stage to the other. There is often no beginning, middle or end for each stage and most stages can repeat several times.</p>\n
<p>This is unfortunate especially when the intensity of the stage may feel the same every time. That’s because talking pharmaceutical drugs, exercise, yoga, meditation, the usual suspects only calm you down and help you understand, but when you apply the new tools available now to address these stages you’ll feel a noticeable lessening in intensity each time you get angry or feel disappointed sad or depressed. After a short time of using effective tools you’ll move on from the 5 stages and start taking action, move forward and begin creating your new life with confidence and optimism.</p>\n
<p>Some people think that attempting to manage your emotional recovery during and after divorce is ill-timed, “just give yourself a break” they say. You will move through recovery at your own pace, angry one week, in denial the next and you’ll come to the point of acceptance, hopefully sooner than later.</p>\n
<p>If you let this take its own time you may never fully recover. You’ll likely keep some emotional baggage that will sabotage your new relationships. It can change your personality forever. I believe you can take charge of the process and not just “let it happen.” All too often we are surrounded by people with their own baggage and will reinforce experiences and beliefs that don’t work well for you moving forward.</p>\n\n
<h2>The Emotional Stages of Grieving Your Divorce:</h2>\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/denial.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(10%,-50%);">\n
<p>There’s nothing like moving through a hurricane and pretending all is well with the world. Denial is your psyches way of protecting you from becoming emotionally overwhelmed. Denial is a useful coping mechanism, but after a while refusing to face reality becomes a very undesirable characteristic.</p>\n
<p>This is where a brutally honest personal assessment can be highly enlightening. I teach my clients to do this assessment on their own first, then with a group of only their closest friends to get their perspective. The way to do this is to start with the viewpoint that it’s a 50/50 proposition – meaning no issue or situation is 100% one persons’ fault. After honestly assessing all aspects of what’s happening and realizing that there are some shortcomings on your end, things that you could have done differently or better, it’s likely you’ll get angry at yourself and retreat to denial. Denial often provides a temporary escape from your pain and provides an unrealistic sense of hope and even blindness to reality.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/anger.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<p>The Huffington Post published a very fitting article quoting a woman expressing the anger stage. “I visited the anger stage often and my ex took a bashing. Seriously, when your world is falling down around you who better to blame for all your problems than a crazy ex-husband? If the car battery died, guess who I blamed? If it rained on a day I had planned to go the beach, it was his fault. I had no role in any adversity that came my way!</p>\n
<p>During the anger phase he became the worst lover I had ever had, ugly beyond description, a slob, a wimp…my anger did a number on him and his character. My advice about the Anger Stage – have at it! As long as there are no little ears to hear your disparaging and insulting remarks about your ex feel free to let out all the pent up anger you stuffed during the Denial Stage.”</p>\n
<p>Remember though – unresolved anger can be very harmful to your health. Known effects are headaches, problems with digestion, insomnia, increased anxiety, depression, skin problems such as eczema and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.</p>\n
<p>The anger stage is scary for many women……..at first. They don’t want to feel this way, it’s unbecoming, it’s a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of lacking self-control, but holding it back is the worst thing you can do. Here’s where a little understanding and a high impact tool can be incredibly empowering.</p>\n
<p>With this understanding you can effectively apply a tool I call the 3 Minute Rant and take an emotionally explosive situation and disarm it in minutes. You’ll never respond the same way or with the same intensity ever again. This is where you’ll develop unshakable emotional composure and start developing your Invincible Mindset.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/bargaining.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 0%; left: 30%;">\n
<p>In this stage you will attempt to repair and undo the damage done to your life. Bargaining is when you stop and say, “oh dear, I can’t handle this emotionally. I’ll negotiate anything with him, I’ll turn myself inside if need be but I can’t go through this.”</p>\n
<p>It is an attempt to put on the brakes, stop that runaway train and get your “life” back. It might not have been a great life but it was a hell of a lot better than what you are experiencing now. The Huffington Post article continued with this – “during the bargaining stage my ex was the best lover I had ever had. I missed his beautiful face and his manly demeanor. He was God’s gift and I wanted him back.”</p>\n
<p>Bargaining is a last ditch attempt at coming to terms with the divorce. It’s during this stage where you will begin to pursue your husband. You want him back at all costs to you and your self-esteem. The thing to remember is; he will also go through the Bargaining Stage. If he’s made a mistake he will realize it and undo that which he’s set in motion.</p>\n
<p>The bargaining stage if often a transition point between the intense stages of anger and depression. It can be a cooling off period between these two extremes in which you can focus on something that makes you feel as if you still have a little control in your life.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/depression.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 75%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<h2 style="color: white;">Depression</h2>\n
<p>You’ll be in bed or in front of the television for most of this stage. Sadness, debilitating sadness becomes your constant companion. This is the one stage we all expect. We know that depression is going to hit, what we don’t realize is that depression can go hand in hand with all the stages of grief.</p>\n
<p>You may not bathe for three days during the Denial Stage. Hair care takes a back seat during the Anger Stage. Even though you may have surrounded yourself with a support system of family and friends, you are squarely in the present and dealing with the constant reminder of all that you’ve lost and how your life has changed.</p>\n
<p>There is a better way to eliminate the toxic emotions that engulf you.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/acceptance.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<p>You’ll love this stage. When it hits you’ll throw your head back and laugh. There is light at the end of the tunnel and life ahead. You’ve moved through adversity and learned from it. Full steam ahead!</p>\n
<p>Be warned though, acceptance doesn’t mean you don’t still have negative emotions about your divorce. You may still feel some anger; there may still be sadness at the loss of your marriage.</p>\n
<p>You’ve learned to “accept” the reality of the situation. You may have feelings of regret over the loss of your marriage <i>BUT</i> … its regret you can live with. You are no longer stuck in the grief…if you’re lucky you are no longer grieving. If there are still feelings of grief they are at least no longer holding you back from living life.</p>\n\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/new-beginnings.jpg" alt="" /></p>\n
<p>There is one last stage that makes it worth the journey. It’s the new beginnings stage where all your plans start to become real, where things start getting easier and things that you never thought possible start becoming possible! More than that, you start planning for it to happen and it will!</p>\n
<p>It takes the right focus, the right tools and the ability to persevere to make your break up an opportunity of a lifetime.</p>\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/you-can-do-it.gif" alt="" /></p>\n
<p style="font-size: 200%;"><b>If You Want to Learn How to –</b></p>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Own emotional composure</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Eliminate self-sabotaging beliefs</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Have an unshakable “Yes I Can Attitude”</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Bravely stand up for yourself, think ahead, and make decisions with clarity and confidence</li>\n
<p style="font-size: 150%;">Go to <a class="impax" class="classic" href="https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/">www.InvincibleDivorcee.com</a></p>\n
<img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/logo/ID-376x189-trans.png" alt="" />\n
<p>My Program is an experiential training that pays off immediately by teaching you how to quickly change your mindset putting you in full control. You’ll learn how to replace the old beliefs with new beliefs and lock them in permanently, be inspired, and own emotional composure. The results are life-changing!</p>\n
<div class="blog_ending">\n
<p style="font-size: 150%" align="center">For more information, visit our <a href="/powertapping/">PowerTapping page</a>.</p>\n
<div class='row'>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<strong>Robert Rudelic, B.S., N.M.T., M.E.S.</strong><br>\n
<strong>San Francisco, CA 94107</strong><br>\n
<strong>Contact Us: </strong><a class="impax" href="/contact/">www.RobertRudelic.com/contact</a><br>\n
<strong>E-Mail: </strong><a class="impax" href="mailto:support@RobertRudelic.com">support@RobertRudelic.com</a><br>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/Coaching.jpg"><br>\n
<a href="/coaching/">Schedule a coaching session</a>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 1692 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exksc_class.php
ExelanaKickStartCart::_cbProcessShortcode from line 4813 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
preg_replace_callback from line 4786 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_filterShortcodes from line 4771 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbFilterContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('\n
<p>By <a href='/robert/'>Robert Rudelic</a> BS, NMT, MES</p>\n
<div style="width: 70%; border-style: double; padding-left: 5px;">\n
<p>All of the articles in this series:</p>\n
<li><a href="/blog/five-stages-of-divorce/">The Five Stages of Divorce</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-1-denial/">Divorce: Stage 1 – Denial</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-2-anger/">Divorce: Stage 2 – Anger</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-3-Bargaining/">Divorce: Stage 3 – Bargaining</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-4-Depression/">Divorce: Stage 4 – Depression</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-5-Acceptance/">Divorce: Stage 5 – Acceptance</a></li>\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/bench-despair.jpg" alt="" /></p>\n
<h2 style="text-align: center;">Have You Been Abandoned and Betrayed?</h2>\n
<p>Has your break up or divorce caught you off guard? Without notice, without discussion, he’s leaving – he took all of the joy you had about your marriage and threw it all away leaving you no time to plan or strategize about what you’re going to do. Has the sudden shock and confusion left you completely overwhelmed, filled with grief, fear and out of control anger? If this is happening to you, you’re certainly not alone!</p>\n
<p>Unfortunately, statistics show that in more than 90 percent of these cases, the men ran to other women, leaving you with a distorted reality along with an enormous sense of betrayal. How do you deal with the hit to self-esteem when you feel like you’ve been tossed aside, and how do you go from this life altering event to rebuilding your life and thriving – claiming this new opportunity to grow and experience things you never even imagined!</p>\n
<p>I believe it’s impossible to plan for the emotional trauma and personal upheaval that happens when a break up is put in motion. The biggest issue for most is they do not possess the tools to effectively deal with the emotional fires that need to be managed to keep your head on straight and stay emotionally composed.</p>\n
<p>Many people are aware of what’s referred to as “The Five Stages of Grief.” The problem is, most people that can name the Five Stages of Grief, never in a million years ever thought that they would be applying them to real life…not theirs anyway!</p>\n\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/knowledge-and-knowing.gif" alt="" /></p>\n
<p>There is a vast difference between <i>knowledge</i> and <i>knowing</i>. You can sit in a classroom and study the facts and have a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject but that is not <i>knowing</i>. Knowledge is of the mind, knowing is of the being. Knowing is actually performing the task or action. You can have the knowledge but unless you’ve truly done it, you won’t “know”.</p>\n
<p>That’s a primary difference between psychotherapy and coaching. Knowledge and understanding the “whys” is nice and many people need to know the whys before moving forward, but all too often their drive to take action and resolve the issue for good stops there. They think knowledge solves it and it doesn’t. Psychotherapy is great at getting to the bottom of an issue and defining it but just circling around an issue without much forward progress is not the most effective way to get the desperately needed results they’re looking for.</p>\n
<p>Coaching works differently. Coaching can take any issue and break it down based on present behavior and the desired behavior going forward and get you there. Coaching is results orientated and in my coaching practice speed is essential. So, it comes down to the tools each approach has to make changes. You must have tools that produce a complete removal of beliefs and fears and also imprint new beliefs and behaviors that will be the only information available when the conscious mind refers to the subconscious for what to do.</p>\n
<p>If all you have is an understanding or “knowledge” of the roots of your beliefs that effect your emotions, which in turn influences your behavior, but don’t erase (or know how to erase) old beliefs and replace them with new beliefs you’re always vulnerable to getting triggered (by your husband and others) and fall back into old behaviors that sabotage you.</p>\n
<p>The emotional result is a feeling of anger and defeat, asking your-self “how come I got triggered and lost it when I spent so much time working on not getting triggered?” It’s the tools. There are tools now that erase and replace quickly and you’re in charge of the process. You’re fully aware of what you’re replacing the old beliefs with. Talk about feeling truly empowered!!!!! It’s time to end the cycle of drugs and talk therapy. I want you to wake up and go to sleep fully engaged in making the best version of yourself ever! Once you erase and replace, you move on – never having to readdress the issue again!</p>\n
<p>Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance are the 5 most recognized stages of grief and one doesn’t move smoothly from one stage to the other. There is often no beginning, middle or end for each stage and most stages can repeat several times.</p>\n
<p>This is unfortunate especially when the intensity of the stage may feel the same every time. That’s because talking pharmaceutical drugs, exercise, yoga, meditation, the usual suspects only calm you down and help you understand, but when you apply the new tools available now to address these stages you’ll feel a noticeable lessening in intensity each time you get angry or feel disappointed sad or depressed. After a short time of using effective tools you’ll move on from the 5 stages and start taking action, move forward and begin creating your new life with confidence and optimism.</p>\n
<p>Some people think that attempting to manage your emotional recovery during and after divorce is ill-timed, “just give yourself a break” they say. You will move through recovery at your own pace, angry one week, in denial the next and you’ll come to the point of acceptance, hopefully sooner than later.</p>\n
<p>If you let this take its own time you may never fully recover. You’ll likely keep some emotional baggage that will sabotage your new relationships. It can change your personality forever. I believe you can take charge of the process and not just “let it happen.” All too often we are surrounded by people with their own baggage and will reinforce experiences and beliefs that don’t work well for you moving forward.</p>\n\n
<h2>The Emotional Stages of Grieving Your Divorce:</h2>\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/denial.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(10%,-50%);">\n
<p>There’s nothing like moving through a hurricane and pretending all is well with the world. Denial is your psyches way of protecting you from becoming emotionally overwhelmed. Denial is a useful coping mechanism, but after a while refusing to face reality becomes a very undesirable characteristic.</p>\n
<p>This is where a brutally honest personal assessment can be highly enlightening. I teach my clients to do this assessment on their own first, then with a group of only their closest friends to get their perspective. The way to do this is to start with the viewpoint that it’s a 50/50 proposition – meaning no issue or situation is 100% one persons’ fault. After honestly assessing all aspects of what’s happening and realizing that there are some shortcomings on your end, things that you could have done differently or better, it’s likely you’ll get angry at yourself and retreat to denial. Denial often provides a temporary escape from your pain and provides an unrealistic sense of hope and even blindness to reality.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/anger.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<p>The Huffington Post published a very fitting article quoting a woman expressing the anger stage. “I visited the anger stage often and my ex took a bashing. Seriously, when your world is falling down around you who better to blame for all your problems than a crazy ex-husband? If the car battery died, guess who I blamed? If it rained on a day I had planned to go the beach, it was his fault. I had no role in any adversity that came my way!</p>\n
<p>During the anger phase he became the worst lover I had ever had, ugly beyond description, a slob, a wimp…my anger did a number on him and his character. My advice about the Anger Stage – have at it! As long as there are no little ears to hear your disparaging and insulting remarks about your ex feel free to let out all the pent up anger you stuffed during the Denial Stage.”</p>\n
<p>Remember though – unresolved anger can be very harmful to your health. Known effects are headaches, problems with digestion, insomnia, increased anxiety, depression, skin problems such as eczema and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.</p>\n
<p>The anger stage is scary for many women……..at first. They don’t want to feel this way, it’s unbecoming, it’s a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of lacking self-control, but holding it back is the worst thing you can do. Here’s where a little understanding and a high impact tool can be incredibly empowering.</p>\n
<p>With this understanding you can effectively apply a tool I call the 3 Minute Rant and take an emotionally explosive situation and disarm it in minutes. You’ll never respond the same way or with the same intensity ever again. This is where you’ll develop unshakable emotional composure and start developing your Invincible Mindset.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/bargaining.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 0%; left: 30%;">\n
<p>In this stage you will attempt to repair and undo the damage done to your life. Bargaining is when you stop and say, “oh dear, I can’t handle this emotionally. I’ll negotiate anything with him, I’ll turn myself inside if need be but I can’t go through this.”</p>\n
<p>It is an attempt to put on the brakes, stop that runaway train and get your “life” back. It might not have been a great life but it was a hell of a lot better than what you are experiencing now. The Huffington Post article continued with this – “during the bargaining stage my ex was the best lover I had ever had. I missed his beautiful face and his manly demeanor. He was God’s gift and I wanted him back.”</p>\n
<p>Bargaining is a last ditch attempt at coming to terms with the divorce. It’s during this stage where you will begin to pursue your husband. You want him back at all costs to you and your self-esteem. The thing to remember is; he will also go through the Bargaining Stage. If he’s made a mistake he will realize it and undo that which he’s set in motion.</p>\n
<p>The bargaining stage if often a transition point between the intense stages of anger and depression. It can be a cooling off period between these two extremes in which you can focus on something that makes you feel as if you still have a little control in your life.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/depression.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 75%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<h2 style="color: white;">Depression</h2>\n
<p>You’ll be in bed or in front of the television for most of this stage. Sadness, debilitating sadness becomes your constant companion. This is the one stage we all expect. We know that depression is going to hit, what we don’t realize is that depression can go hand in hand with all the stages of grief.</p>\n
<p>You may not bathe for three days during the Denial Stage. Hair care takes a back seat during the Anger Stage. Even though you may have surrounded yourself with a support system of family and friends, you are squarely in the present and dealing with the constant reminder of all that you’ve lost and how your life has changed.</p>\n
<p>There is a better way to eliminate the toxic emotions that engulf you.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img src="/content/images/blog/acceptance.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<p>You’ll love this stage. When it hits you’ll throw your head back and laugh. There is light at the end of the tunnel and life ahead. You’ve moved through adversity and learned from it. Full steam ahead!</p>\n
<p>Be warned though, acceptance doesn’t mean you don’t still have negative emotions about your divorce. You may still feel some anger; there may still be sadness at the loss of your marriage.</p>\n
<p>You’ve learned to “accept” the reality of the situation. You may have feelings of regret over the loss of your marriage <i>BUT</i> … its regret you can live with. You are no longer stuck in the grief…if you’re lucky you are no longer grieving. If there are still feelings of grief they are at least no longer holding you back from living life.</p>\n\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/new-beginnings.jpg" alt="" /></p>\n
<p>There is one last stage that makes it worth the journey. It’s the new beginnings stage where all your plans start to become real, where things start getting easier and things that you never thought possible start becoming possible! More than that, you start planning for it to happen and it will!</p>\n
<p>It takes the right focus, the right tools and the ability to persevere to make your break up an opportunity of a lifetime.</p>\n
<p><img class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/you-can-do-it.gif" alt="" /></p>\n
<p style="font-size: 200%;"><b>If You Want to Learn How to –</b></p>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Own emotional composure</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Eliminate self-sabotaging beliefs</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Have an unshakable “Yes I Can Attitude”</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Bravely stand up for yourself, think ahead, and make decisions with clarity and confidence</li>\n
<p style="font-size: 150%;">Go to <a class="impax" class="classic" href="https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/">www.InvincibleDivorcee.com</a></p>\n
<img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/logo/ID-376x189-trans.png" alt="" />\n
<p>My Program is an experiential training that pays off immediately by teaching you how to quickly change your mindset putting you in full control. You’ll learn how to replace the old beliefs with new beliefs and lock them in permanently, be inspired, and own emotional composure. The results are life-changing!</p>\n
<div class="blog_ending">\n
<p style="font-size: 150%" align="center">For more information, visit our <a href="/powertapping/">PowerTapping page</a>.</p>\n
<div class='row'>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<strong>Robert Rudelic, B.S., N.M.T., M.E.S.</strong><br>\n
<strong>San Francisco, CA 94107</strong><br>\n
<strong>Contact Us: </strong><a class="impax" href="/contact/">www.RobertRudelic.com/contact</a><br>\n
<strong>E-Mail: </strong><a class="impax" href="mailto:support@RobertRudelic.com">support@RobertRudelic.com</a><br>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/Coaching.jpg"><br>\n
<a href="/coaching/">Schedule a coaching session</a>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
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require from line 17 of file /index.php
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require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent('\n
<p>By <a href='/robert/'>Robert Rudelic</a> BS, NMT, MES</p>\n
<div style="width: 70%; border-style: double; padding-left: 5px;">\n
<p>All of the articles in this series:</p>\n
<li><a href="/blog/five-stages-of-divorce/">The Five Stages of Divorce</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-1-denial/">Divorce: Stage 1 – Denial</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-2-anger/">Divorce: Stage 2 – Anger</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-3-Bargaining/">Divorce: Stage 3 – Bargaining</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-4-Depression/">Divorce: Stage 4 – Depression</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-5-Acceptance/">Divorce: Stage 5 – Acceptance</a></li>\n
<p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/bench-despair.jpg" alt="" /></p>\n
<h2 style="text-align: center;">Have You Been Abandoned and Betrayed?</h2>\n
<p>Has your break up or divorce caught you off guard? Without notice, without discussion, he’s leaving – he took all of the joy you had about your marriage and threw it all away leaving you no time to plan or strategize about what you’re going to do. Has the sudden shock and confusion left you completely overwhelmed, filled with grief, fear and out of control anger? If this is happening to you, you’re certainly not alone!</p>\n
<p>Unfortunately, statistics show that in more than 90 percent of these cases, the men ran to other women, leaving you with a distorted reality along with an enormous sense of betrayal. How do you deal with the hit to self-esteem when you feel like you’ve been tossed aside, and how do you go from this life altering event to rebuilding your life and thriving – claiming this new opportunity to grow and experience things you never even imagined!</p>\n
<p>I believe it’s impossible to plan for the emotional trauma and personal upheaval that happens when a break up is put in motion. The biggest issue for most is they do not possess the tools to effectively deal with the emotional fires that need to be managed to keep your head on straight and stay emotionally composed.</p>\n
<p>Many people are aware of what’s referred to as “The Five Stages of Grief.” The problem is, most people that can name the Five Stages of Grief, never in a million years ever thought that they would be applying them to real life…not theirs anyway!</p>\n\n
<p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/knowledge-and-knowing.gif" alt="" /></p>\n
<p>There is a vast difference between <i>knowledge</i> and <i>knowing</i>. You can sit in a classroom and study the facts and have a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject but that is not <i>knowing</i>. Knowledge is of the mind, knowing is of the being. Knowing is actually performing the task or action. You can have the knowledge but unless you’ve truly done it, you won’t “know”.</p>\n
<p>That’s a primary difference between psychotherapy and coaching. Knowledge and understanding the “whys” is nice and many people need to know the whys before moving forward, but all too often their drive to take action and resolve the issue for good stops there. They think knowledge solves it and it doesn’t. Psychotherapy is great at getting to the bottom of an issue and defining it but just circling around an issue without much forward progress is not the most effective way to get the desperately needed results they’re looking for.</p>\n
<p>Coaching works differently. Coaching can take any issue and break it down based on present behavior and the desired behavior going forward and get you there. Coaching is results orientated and in my coaching practice speed is essential. So, it comes down to the tools each approach has to make changes. You must have tools that produce a complete removal of beliefs and fears and also imprint new beliefs and behaviors that will be the only information available when the conscious mind refers to the subconscious for what to do.</p>\n
<p>If all you have is an understanding or “knowledge” of the roots of your beliefs that effect your emotions, which in turn influences your behavior, but don’t erase (or know how to erase) old beliefs and replace them with new beliefs you’re always vulnerable to getting triggered (by your husband and others) and fall back into old behaviors that sabotage you.</p>\n
<p>The emotional result is a feeling of anger and defeat, asking your-self “how come I got triggered and lost it when I spent so much time working on not getting triggered?” It’s the tools. There are tools now that erase and replace quickly and you’re in charge of the process. You’re fully aware of what you’re replacing the old beliefs with. Talk about feeling truly empowered!!!!! It’s time to end the cycle of drugs and talk therapy. I want you to wake up and go to sleep fully engaged in making the best version of yourself ever! Once you erase and replace, you move on – never having to readdress the issue again!</p>\n
<p>Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance are the 5 most recognized stages of grief and one doesn’t move smoothly from one stage to the other. There is often no beginning, middle or end for each stage and most stages can repeat several times.</p>\n
<p>This is unfortunate especially when the intensity of the stage may feel the same every time. That’s because talking pharmaceutical drugs, exercise, yoga, meditation, the usual suspects only calm you down and help you understand, but when you apply the new tools available now to address these stages you’ll feel a noticeable lessening in intensity each time you get angry or feel disappointed sad or depressed. After a short time of using effective tools you’ll move on from the 5 stages and start taking action, move forward and begin creating your new life with confidence and optimism.</p>\n
<p>Some people think that attempting to manage your emotional recovery during and after divorce is ill-timed, “just give yourself a break” they say. You will move through recovery at your own pace, angry one week, in denial the next and you’ll come to the point of acceptance, hopefully sooner than later.</p>\n
<p>If you let this take its own time you may never fully recover. You’ll likely keep some emotional baggage that will sabotage your new relationships. It can change your personality forever. I believe you can take charge of the process and not just “let it happen.” All too often we are surrounded by people with their own baggage and will reinforce experiences and beliefs that don’t work well for you moving forward.</p>\n\n
<h2>The Emotional Stages of Grieving Your Divorce:</h2>\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/denial.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(10%,-50%);">\n
<p>There’s nothing like moving through a hurricane and pretending all is well with the world. Denial is your psyches way of protecting you from becoming emotionally overwhelmed. Denial is a useful coping mechanism, but after a while refusing to face reality becomes a very undesirable characteristic.</p>\n
<p>This is where a brutally honest personal assessment can be highly enlightening. I teach my clients to do this assessment on their own first, then with a group of only their closest friends to get their perspective. The way to do this is to start with the viewpoint that it’s a 50/50 proposition – meaning no issue or situation is 100% one persons’ fault. After honestly assessing all aspects of what’s happening and realizing that there are some shortcomings on your end, things that you could have done differently or better, it’s likely you’ll get angry at yourself and retreat to denial. Denial often provides a temporary escape from your pain and provides an unrealistic sense of hope and even blindness to reality.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/anger.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<p>The Huffington Post published a very fitting article quoting a woman expressing the anger stage. “I visited the anger stage often and my ex took a bashing. Seriously, when your world is falling down around you who better to blame for all your problems than a crazy ex-husband? If the car battery died, guess who I blamed? If it rained on a day I had planned to go the beach, it was his fault. I had no role in any adversity that came my way!</p>\n
<p>During the anger phase he became the worst lover I had ever had, ugly beyond description, a slob, a wimp…my anger did a number on him and his character. My advice about the Anger Stage – have at it! As long as there are no little ears to hear your disparaging and insulting remarks about your ex feel free to let out all the pent up anger you stuffed during the Denial Stage.”</p>\n
<p>Remember though – unresolved anger can be very harmful to your health. Known effects are headaches, problems with digestion, insomnia, increased anxiety, depression, skin problems such as eczema and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.</p>\n
<p>The anger stage is scary for many women……..at first. They don’t want to feel this way, it’s unbecoming, it’s a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of lacking self-control, but holding it back is the worst thing you can do. Here’s where a little understanding and a high impact tool can be incredibly empowering.</p>\n
<p>With this understanding you can effectively apply a tool I call the 3 Minute Rant and take an emotionally explosive situation and disarm it in minutes. You’ll never respond the same way or with the same intensity ever again. This is where you’ll develop unshakable emotional composure and start developing your Invincible Mindset.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/bargaining.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 0%; left: 30%;">\n
<p>In this stage you will attempt to repair and undo the damage done to your life. Bargaining is when you stop and say, “oh dear, I can’t handle this emotionally. I’ll negotiate anything with him, I’ll turn myself inside if need be but I can’t go through this.”</p>\n
<p>It is an attempt to put on the brakes, stop that runaway train and get your “life” back. It might not have been a great life but it was a hell of a lot better than what you are experiencing now. The Huffington Post article continued with this – “during the bargaining stage my ex was the best lover I had ever had. I missed his beautiful face and his manly demeanor. He was God’s gift and I wanted him back.”</p>\n
<p>Bargaining is a last ditch attempt at coming to terms with the divorce. It’s during this stage where you will begin to pursue your husband. You want him back at all costs to you and your self-esteem. The thing to remember is; he will also go through the Bargaining Stage. If he’s made a mistake he will realize it and undo that which he’s set in motion.</p>\n
<p>The bargaining stage if often a transition point between the intense stages of anger and depression. It can be a cooling off period between these two extremes in which you can focus on something that makes you feel as if you still have a little control in your life.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/depression.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 75%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<h2 style="color: white;">Depression</h2>\n
<p>You’ll be in bed or in front of the television for most of this stage. Sadness, debilitating sadness becomes your constant companion. This is the one stage we all expect. We know that depression is going to hit, what we don’t realize is that depression can go hand in hand with all the stages of grief.</p>\n
<p>You may not bathe for three days during the Denial Stage. Hair care takes a back seat during the Anger Stage. Even though you may have surrounded yourself with a support system of family and friends, you are squarely in the present and dealing with the constant reminder of all that you’ve lost and how your life has changed.</p>\n
<p>There is a better way to eliminate the toxic emotions that engulf you.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/acceptance.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<p>You’ll love this stage. When it hits you’ll throw your head back and laugh. There is light at the end of the tunnel and life ahead. You’ve moved through adversity and learned from it. Full steam ahead!</p>\n
<p>Be warned though, acceptance doesn’t mean you don’t still have negative emotions about your divorce. You may still feel some anger; there may still be sadness at the loss of your marriage.</p>\n
<p>You’ve learned to “accept” the reality of the situation. You may have feelings of regret over the loss of your marriage <i>BUT</i> … its regret you can live with. You are no longer stuck in the grief…if you’re lucky you are no longer grieving. If there are still feelings of grief they are at least no longer holding you back from living life.</p>\n\n
<p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/new-beginnings.jpg" alt="" /></p>\n
<p>There is one last stage that makes it worth the journey. It’s the new beginnings stage where all your plans start to become real, where things start getting easier and things that you never thought possible start becoming possible! More than that, you start planning for it to happen and it will!</p>\n
<p>It takes the right focus, the right tools and the ability to persevere to make your break up an opportunity of a lifetime.</p>\n
<p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/you-can-do-it.gif" alt="" /></p>\n
<p style="font-size: 200%;"><b>If You Want to Learn How to –</b></p>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Own emotional composure</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Eliminate self-sabotaging beliefs</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Have an unshakable “Yes I Can Attitude”</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Bravely stand up for yourself, think ahead, and make decisions with clarity and confidence</li>\n
<p style="font-size: 150%;">Go to <a class="impax" class="classic" href="https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/">www.InvincibleDivorcee.com</a></p>\n
<img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/logo/ID-376x189-trans.png" alt="" />\n
<p>My Program is an experiential training that pays off immediately by teaching you how to quickly change your mindset putting you in full control. You’ll learn how to replace the old beliefs with new beliefs and lock them in permanently, be inspired, and own emotional composure. The results are life-changing!</p>\n
<div class="blog_ending">\n
<p style="font-size: 150%" align="center">For more information, visit our <a href="/powertapping/">PowerTapping page</a>.</p>\n
<div class='row'>\n
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<strong>Robert Rudelic, B.S., N.M.T., M.E.S.</strong><br>\n
<strong>San Francisco, CA 94107</strong><br>\n
<strong>Contact Us: </strong><a class="impax" href="/contact/">www.RobertRudelic.com/contact</a><br>\n
<strong>E-Mail: </strong><a class="impax" href="mailto:support@RobertRudelic.com">support@RobertRudelic.com</a><br>\n
<div class='column-2'>\n
<img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/Coaching.jpg"><br>\n
<a href="/coaching/">Schedule a coaching session</a>\n
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<p>By <a href='/robert/'>Robert Rudelic</a> BS, NMT, MES</p>\n
<div style="width: 70%; border-style: double; padding-left: 5px;">\n
<p>All of the articles in this series:</p>\n
<li><a href="/blog/five-stages-of-divorce/">The Five Stages of Divorce</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-1-denial/">Divorce: Stage 1 – Denial</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-2-anger/">Divorce: Stage 2 – Anger</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-3-Bargaining/">Divorce: Stage 3 – Bargaining</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-4-Depression/">Divorce: Stage 4 – Depression</a></li>\n
<li><a href="/blog/divorce-stage-5-Acceptance/">Divorce: Stage 5 – Acceptance</a></li>\n
<p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/bench-despair.jpg" alt="" /></p>\n
<h2 style="text-align: center;">Have You Been Abandoned and Betrayed?</h2>\n
<p>Has your break up or divorce caught you off guard? Without notice, without discussion, he’s leaving – he took all of the joy you had about your marriage and threw it all away leaving you no time to plan or strategize about what you’re going to do. Has the sudden shock and confusion left you completely overwhelmed, filled with grief, fear and out of control anger? If this is happening to you, you’re certainly not alone!</p>\n
<p>Unfortunately, statistics show that in more than 90 percent of these cases, the men ran to other women, leaving you with a distorted reality along with an enormous sense of betrayal. How do you deal with the hit to self-esteem when you feel like you’ve been tossed aside, and how do you go from this life altering event to rebuilding your life and thriving – claiming this new opportunity to grow and experience things you never even imagined!</p>\n
<p>I believe it’s impossible to plan for the emotional trauma and personal upheaval that happens when a break up is put in motion. The biggest issue for most is they do not possess the tools to effectively deal with the emotional fires that need to be managed to keep your head on straight and stay emotionally composed.</p>\n
<p>Many people are aware of what’s referred to as “The Five Stages of Grief.” The problem is, most people that can name the Five Stages of Grief, never in a million years ever thought that they would be applying them to real life…not theirs anyway!</p>\n\n
<p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/knowledge-and-knowing.gif" alt="" /></p>\n
<p>There is a vast difference between <i>knowledge</i> and <i>knowing</i>. You can sit in a classroom and study the facts and have a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject but that is not <i>knowing</i>. Knowledge is of the mind, knowing is of the being. Knowing is actually performing the task or action. You can have the knowledge but unless you’ve truly done it, you won’t “know”.</p>\n
<p>That’s a primary difference between psychotherapy and coaching. Knowledge and understanding the “whys” is nice and many people need to know the whys before moving forward, but all too often their drive to take action and resolve the issue for good stops there. They think knowledge solves it and it doesn’t. Psychotherapy is great at getting to the bottom of an issue and defining it but just circling around an issue without much forward progress is not the most effective way to get the desperately needed results they’re looking for.</p>\n
<p>Coaching works differently. Coaching can take any issue and break it down based on present behavior and the desired behavior going forward and get you there. Coaching is results orientated and in my coaching practice speed is essential. So, it comes down to the tools each approach has to make changes. You must have tools that produce a complete removal of beliefs and fears and also imprint new beliefs and behaviors that will be the only information available when the conscious mind refers to the subconscious for what to do.</p>\n
<p>If all you have is an understanding or “knowledge” of the roots of your beliefs that effect your emotions, which in turn influences your behavior, but don’t erase (or know how to erase) old beliefs and replace them with new beliefs you’re always vulnerable to getting triggered (by your husband and others) and fall back into old behaviors that sabotage you.</p>\n
<p>The emotional result is a feeling of anger and defeat, asking your-self “how come I got triggered and lost it when I spent so much time working on not getting triggered?” It’s the tools. There are tools now that erase and replace quickly and you’re in charge of the process. You’re fully aware of what you’re replacing the old beliefs with. Talk about feeling truly empowered!!!!! It’s time to end the cycle of drugs and talk therapy. I want you to wake up and go to sleep fully engaged in making the best version of yourself ever! Once you erase and replace, you move on – never having to readdress the issue again!</p>\n
<p>Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance are the 5 most recognized stages of grief and one doesn’t move smoothly from one stage to the other. There is often no beginning, middle or end for each stage and most stages can repeat several times.</p>\n
<p>This is unfortunate especially when the intensity of the stage may feel the same every time. That’s because talking pharmaceutical drugs, exercise, yoga, meditation, the usual suspects only calm you down and help you understand, but when you apply the new tools available now to address these stages you’ll feel a noticeable lessening in intensity each time you get angry or feel disappointed sad or depressed. After a short time of using effective tools you’ll move on from the 5 stages and start taking action, move forward and begin creating your new life with confidence and optimism.</p>\n
<p>Some people think that attempting to manage your emotional recovery during and after divorce is ill-timed, “just give yourself a break” they say. You will move through recovery at your own pace, angry one week, in denial the next and you’ll come to the point of acceptance, hopefully sooner than later.</p>\n
<p>If you let this take its own time you may never fully recover. You’ll likely keep some emotional baggage that will sabotage your new relationships. It can change your personality forever. I believe you can take charge of the process and not just “let it happen.” All too often we are surrounded by people with their own baggage and will reinforce experiences and beliefs that don’t work well for you moving forward.</p>\n\n
<h2>The Emotional Stages of Grieving Your Divorce:</h2>\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/denial.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(10%,-50%);">\n
<p>There’s nothing like moving through a hurricane and pretending all is well with the world. Denial is your psyches way of protecting you from becoming emotionally overwhelmed. Denial is a useful coping mechanism, but after a while refusing to face reality becomes a very undesirable characteristic.</p>\n
<p>This is where a brutally honest personal assessment can be highly enlightening. I teach my clients to do this assessment on their own first, then with a group of only their closest friends to get their perspective. The way to do this is to start with the viewpoint that it’s a 50/50 proposition – meaning no issue or situation is 100% one persons’ fault. After honestly assessing all aspects of what’s happening and realizing that there are some shortcomings on your end, things that you could have done differently or better, it’s likely you’ll get angry at yourself and retreat to denial. Denial often provides a temporary escape from your pain and provides an unrealistic sense of hope and even blindness to reality.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/anger.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<p>The Huffington Post published a very fitting article quoting a woman expressing the anger stage. “I visited the anger stage often and my ex took a bashing. Seriously, when your world is falling down around you who better to blame for all your problems than a crazy ex-husband? If the car battery died, guess who I blamed? If it rained on a day I had planned to go the beach, it was his fault. I had no role in any adversity that came my way!</p>\n
<p>During the anger phase he became the worst lover I had ever had, ugly beyond description, a slob, a wimp…my anger did a number on him and his character. My advice about the Anger Stage – have at it! As long as there are no little ears to hear your disparaging and insulting remarks about your ex feel free to let out all the pent up anger you stuffed during the Denial Stage.”</p>\n
<p>Remember though – unresolved anger can be very harmful to your health. Known effects are headaches, problems with digestion, insomnia, increased anxiety, depression, skin problems such as eczema and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.</p>\n
<p>The anger stage is scary for many women……..at first. They don’t want to feel this way, it’s unbecoming, it’s a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of lacking self-control, but holding it back is the worst thing you can do. Here’s where a little understanding and a high impact tool can be incredibly empowering.</p>\n
<p>With this understanding you can effectively apply a tool I call the 3 Minute Rant and take an emotionally explosive situation and disarm it in minutes. You’ll never respond the same way or with the same intensity ever again. This is where you’ll develop unshakable emotional composure and start developing your Invincible Mindset.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/bargaining.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 0%; left: 30%;">\n
<p>In this stage you will attempt to repair and undo the damage done to your life. Bargaining is when you stop and say, “oh dear, I can’t handle this emotionally. I’ll negotiate anything with him, I’ll turn myself inside if need be but I can’t go through this.”</p>\n
<p>It is an attempt to put on the brakes, stop that runaway train and get your “life” back. It might not have been a great life but it was a hell of a lot better than what you are experiencing now. The Huffington Post article continued with this – “during the bargaining stage my ex was the best lover I had ever had. I missed his beautiful face and his manly demeanor. He was God’s gift and I wanted him back.”</p>\n
<p>Bargaining is a last ditch attempt at coming to terms with the divorce. It’s during this stage where you will begin to pursue your husband. You want him back at all costs to you and your self-esteem. The thing to remember is; he will also go through the Bargaining Stage. If he’s made a mistake he will realize it and undo that which he’s set in motion.</p>\n
<p>The bargaining stage if often a transition point between the intense stages of anger and depression. It can be a cooling off period between these two extremes in which you can focus on something that makes you feel as if you still have a little control in your life.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/depression.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 75%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<h2 style="color: white;">Depression</h2>\n
<p>You’ll be in bed or in front of the television for most of this stage. Sadness, debilitating sadness becomes your constant companion. This is the one stage we all expect. We know that depression is going to hit, what we don’t realize is that depression can go hand in hand with all the stages of grief.</p>\n
<p>You may not bathe for three days during the Denial Stage. Hair care takes a back seat during the Anger Stage. Even though you may have surrounded yourself with a support system of family and friends, you are squarely in the present and dealing with the constant reminder of all that you’ve lost and how your life has changed.</p>\n
<p>There is a better way to eliminate the toxic emotions that engulf you.</p>\n\n
<div style="position: relative; text-align: center;">\n
<p><img decoding="async" src="/content/images/blog/acceptance.gif" /></p>\n
<div style="position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">\n
<p>You’ll love this stage. When it hits you’ll throw your head back and laugh. There is light at the end of the tunnel and life ahead. You’ve moved through adversity and learned from it. Full steam ahead!</p>\n
<p>Be warned though, acceptance doesn’t mean you don’t still have negative emotions about your divorce. You may still feel some anger; there may still be sadness at the loss of your marriage.</p>\n
<p>You’ve learned to “accept” the reality of the situation. You may have feelings of regret over the loss of your marriage <i>BUT</i> … its regret you can live with. You are no longer stuck in the grief…if you’re lucky you are no longer grieving. If there are still feelings of grief they are at least no longer holding you back from living life.</p>\n\n
<p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/new-beginnings.jpg" alt="" /></p>\n
<p>There is one last stage that makes it worth the journey. It’s the new beginnings stage where all your plans start to become real, where things start getting easier and things that you never thought possible start becoming possible! More than that, you start planning for it to happen and it will!</p>\n
<p>It takes the right focus, the right tools and the ability to persevere to make your break up an opportunity of a lifetime.</p>\n
<p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/blog/you-can-do-it.gif" alt="" /></p>\n
<p style="font-size: 200%;"><b>If You Want to Learn How to –</b></p>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Own emotional composure</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Eliminate self-sabotaging beliefs</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Have an unshakable “Yes I Can Attitude”</li>\n
<li style="font-size: 150%; line-height: 150%;">Bravely stand up for yourself, think ahead, and make decisions with clarity and confidence</li>\n
<p style="font-size: 150%;">Go to <a class="impax" class="classic" href="https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/">www.InvincibleDivorcee.com</a></p>\n
<img decoding="async" class="aligncenter" src="/content/images/logo/ID-376x189-trans.png" alt="" />\n
<p>My Program is an experiential training that pays off immediately by teaching you how to quickly change your mindset putting you in full control. You’ll learn how to replace the old beliefs with new beliefs and lock them in permanently, be inspired, and own emotional composure. The results are life-changing!</p>\n
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<p style="font-size: 150%" align="center">For more information, visit our <a href="/powertapping/">PowerTapping page</a>.</p>\n
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<strong>Robert Rudelic, B.S., N.M.T., M.E.S.</strong><br>\n
<strong>San Francisco, CA 94107</strong><br>\n
<strong>Contact Us: </strong><a class="impax" href="/contact/">www.RobertRudelic.com/contact</a><br>\n
<strong>E-Mail: </strong><a class="impax" href="mailto:support@RobertRudelic.com">support@RobertRudelic.com</a><br>\n
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<a href="/coaching/">Schedule a coaching session</a>\n
ImpaxTheme::filterTheContent from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 256 of file /wp-includes/post-template.php
the_content from line 20 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Filter the_category▸ ImpaxTheme::filterTheCategory('<a href="https://www.invincibledivorcee.com/blog/category/uncategorized/" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a>')
ImpaxTheme::filterTheCategory from line 326 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 205 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
apply_filters from line 230 of file /wp-includes/category-template.php
get_the_category_list from line 277 of file /wp-includes/category-template.php
the_category from line 24 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Filter ▸ ImpaxTheme::getElideFooter()
ImpaxTheme::getElideFooter from line 4 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/footer.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 92 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_footer from line 38 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::renderFromConfiguration($config,'footer','content',' ')
ImpaxTheme::renderFromConfiguration from line 11 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/footer.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 92 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_footer from line 38 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$config' => null,
▸ ImpaxTheme::getSiteOrTheme('analytics.php')
ImpaxTheme::getSiteOrTheme from line 16 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/footer.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 92 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_footer from line 38 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ ImpaxTheme::include(null,false)
ImpaxTheme::include from line 16 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/footer.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 92 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_footer from line 38 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
Action wp_footer▸ Exelana::_cbInFooter('')
Exelana::_cbInFooter from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3080 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_footer from line 18 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/footer.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 92 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_footer from line 38 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::_barEmit('footer',array(
'eval' => false,
Exelana::_barEmit from line 972 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbInFooter from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3080 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_footer from line 18 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/footer.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 92 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_footer from line 38 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
▸ Exelana::_barRun($bar,'footer')
Exelana::_barRun from line 6328 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_barEmit from line 972 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbInFooter from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3080 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_footer from line 18 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/footer.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 92 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_footer from line 38 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'$bar' => array(
'fh' => null,
'file' => null,
'cond' => array(
'eval' => false,
'data' => array(),
'name' => 'core',
'registered' => false,
'rendered' => false,
'uniq' => 'exksc67d10d127f6596.23089219',
▸ Exelana::render('/home/impax/public_html/invincibledivorcee.com/wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/render/debug_bar.php',&$result,$viewData)
Exelana::render from line 6608 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_barRun from line 6328 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_barEmit from line 972 of file /wp-content/plugins/exelana-kick-start-cart/include/exelana_class.php
Exelana::_cbInFooter from line 324 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::apply_filters from line 348 of file /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php
WP_Hook::do_action from line 517 of file /wp-includes/plugin.php
do_action from line 3080 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
wp_footer from line 18 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/footer.php
require_once from line 810 of file /wp-includes/template.php
load_template from line 745 of file /wp-includes/template.php
locate_template from line 92 of file /wp-includes/general-template.php
get_footer from line 38 of file /home/impax/public_html/theme/single.php
include from line 106 of file /wp-includes/template-loader.php
require_once from line 19 of file /wp-blog-header.php
require from line 17 of file /index.php
'&$result' => null,
'$viewData' => array(),